Saturday, December 15, 2012

Favorite moment in the audio series?

The interview with myself continues...

Q.  What's your favorite moment in the audio series?

A.  There are lots of things that literally make me laugh out loud or snicker, even after hearing them a bunch of times; but the episode that brings the most joy is the episode where Sade is gifted luggage by the Donahues and Rush is told to read the letter from Bess.   No matter how hard he tries, Sade simply won't let him read because she interrupts him a dozen times.

There's no way to listen to that episode and not enjoy it - and though I could easily think of a thousand things to say in answer to this question - and though there are many things I find more fascinating in the way they were constructed by Paul Rhymer - this simple act of reading (or trying to) the letter from Bess is my favorite I think.

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