Monday, November 12, 2012

Wikipedia and Vic and Sade

The Vic and Sade page on Wikipedia isn't horrible but it isn't good either.

I've tried to edit the page and there's some kind of bot that always has the changes revert back to what they were.

Some of the stuff over there is just inaccurate.  For instance, "catchphrases:"

"Vic one, Rush nothing" - might be considered a catchphrase.
The others - no, absolutely not.

The catchphrases are obviously:

Vic: Hi-de-hi, ho-de-ho.

Sade: Ish.

Rush:  He doesn't really have one.

Uncle Fletcher:  Fine! / ____ is a good boy!

Russell: He doesn't really have one.

There are things the characters say a lot but I wouldn't consider them catchphrases.  For instance, Vic talks a lot about "antidisestablishmentarianism" and he talks a lot about "women heavily veiled and agitated" but I would consider neither a catchphrase.  There are times that he and Russell interchangably talk about "Homer Heck from Norman, Oklahoma, who didn't even own the socks on his feet" but it's not a catchphrase.

Sade uses the words, "oceans," "squillions" and "trash" a lot and also says "talky-talk" some as well but they aren't catchphrases.

"Catchphrases" is simply one thing I would like to change there but can't.

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