Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Don't let Vic and Sade Americana die!

Okay, so if you are reading this notebook of mine, you think you are a huge Vic and Sade fan.  Well, you probably are.

But if you still want to be amazed, go to the character website and choose Uncle Fletcher on the left-hand side and read everyone of the stories he told.  You'll be amazed at them.  They all are craving to be read and heard by people who aren't fans.

The upcoming book I am writing will give a small taste of them and I hope we can draw some interest from those who have no idea who Uncle Fletcher or Paul Rhymer are.

But how do we do that?

Those stories are simply too good to sit there and rot.  Do your part.  Mention Uncle Fletcher and his stories on the internet sometime this week, will you?  Mention Paul Rhymer in a different place.  Let's not let this Americana die.

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