Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Gook Twilight Zone and trivia column (Part Two)

  • What happened to Mr. and Mis' Donahue's young daughter, Florence?  There was always something weird about that house...
  • Who sells sauerkraut?  If you said Mis' Harris, then you win.
  • Who signs their name with blood?  This guy.
  • So far, we've found people with the following first names:
    Dirty (there were two of those), (and two of) Smelly, Rotten, Messy, Cupid, Stupid, Cracky, Spider, Bulldog, Collarbone, Peanut Brittle, Oyster, Olive, Muddy, Nicer, Pom Pom, Funny, Hunky, Wee, (two people with the name of) Four-Fisted, (four fellas named) Fat, (sixteen different people named) Ed, Bluetooth, Chalmers, Boo Boo, Cincinnati, Strap, Steemer, Rishigan, Rain Brain, Rooster, Flub...
  • And these last names:
    Blobbers, Gullbizer, Shoes, Dejectedly, Dirtshirt, Slime, Twentysixler, Eggsock, Geekrock, Unbleet, Razorscum, Chestbutter, Gutstop, Kneesuffer, Droop, Rapp, Stoot, Snoot, Fungal, Gasp, Sly, Fly, Spank, Spittle, Wermie, Spatt, Wopp, Hogsflat, Feedstroop, Claysnort, Stembottom, Gackwench, Kidneyslide, Kidneyscorch, Bucksaddle, Golfbake, Feedsmirk, Shootstraight, Flubber, Fishigan, Sickbrain, Gumpox, Eggspreader, Barbachoke, Chlorine, Eggers, Frostscum, Hammersweet, Kildigger, Angelharness, Dripfeeder, Ears, Filpot, Sludge, Bellyman, Coonbreef...
  • Remember when Sade charged a guy fifteen cents a month to park his bike in their shed?  That's about $2.75 in current day finances.  Was that even worth worrying about?  Sade needs to get a grip and chill.
  • Of all the movie stars we know of in the series, only one didn't have matching initials: Buck Peggles.
  • Plus, all this other weird stuff.  

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