Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Sade helps the sponsor
Sade finds a way to buy a Sunbeam Mixmaster. This episode has been re-done, and some dialog has been added: 39-03-10 Sade – A Slick Operator
Parting is such sweet sorrow
Uncle Fletcher hits the road and the episode, 40-09-17 Uncle Fletcher Unexpectedly Departs gets some dialog and makeover.
More E-Z slippers
40-10-14 E-Z Slippers has been totally re-done, with some goodies added (a partial script, a photo and an article).
Monday, December 29, 2014
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Hide your olives and butter patties
Could this be the actual place Paul Rhymer envisioned when he mentioned the local cafeteria?
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Mis' Crowe's marching team
41-01-23 The All-Star Marching Team with commentary from Mis' Crowe and also her transcription.
Fred considers...
41-02-11 Fred Considers Joining the Lodge now has a transcript and a very thought-provoking commentary by Mis' Crowe.
Surviving audio debut of Uncle Fletcher
I have never been to Boone, Iowa!
The surviving audio debut of Uncle Fletcher now has commentary by Mis' Crowe and a transcript.
The surviving audio debut of Uncle Fletcher now has commentary by Mis' Crowe and a transcript.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Lodge Cowboy Hat re-worked
I've got a partial script and a more-in-depth synopsis for 42-12-17 Vic and the Cowboy Lodge Hat, which I've reworked.
If you enjoy the 'hat' episodes, you should really like this one.
If you enjoy the 'hat' episodes, you should really like this one.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Giant improvement/solid script
Looking through this ''treasure box'' of scripts and additional dialogue, I am amazed at what I find.
An example is episode 41-07-10 Bring Your Figures, which previously had very short notes:
But after looking at the full script, I've found something very solid, bordering on the classic. I can't wait to show it you tomorrow!
An example is episode 41-07-10 Bring Your Figures, which previously had very short notes:
But after looking at the full script, I've found something very solid, bordering on the classic. I can't wait to show it you tomorrow!
World gone loco?
32-08-03 Strawberries and Baseball - Sade acts like a kid, Vic calls Sade, ''Baby'', Rush wants to shave -- has the world gone loco?
Monday, December 22, 2014
The bad thing about notes
Flippin' streetcars
The episode: 39-07-17 Rush is Reprimanded for Flipping Streetcars gets a complete overhaul and a script!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Vic and Sade and the CBS News
Episode 36-12-17 Sade Goes Christmas Shopping told the story of WW I truce around Christmas of 1914; CBS News looked back on the event as well.
Rush's other intimate conversation
Recognize this?:
Telephone call with the Hinks? Nope.Rush: I'm fourteen. Uh-huh. Yeah, first year. Hundred an' eleven pounds stripped. Five feet three inches. Eyes? Blue. Hair? I part it on the side.
An episode about nuttin'
Now, completely re-worked, and with script, 43-11-25 Fletcher's All Dressed-Up.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
You've gotta check out this wonderful article by Paul Ford.
Monday, December 15, 2014
I will forever remember this year as the year I found there really was door to door brickmush man http://t.co/8mRwrSg8RE
— Brickmush Man (@Jimbo_otr) December 15, 2014
New script and details
41-12-09 Hank Appointed Lodge's Best-Looking Man now has a script and everything online has been re-worked.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
A busy week
It looks like there will be new entry and script tomorrow and hopefully some more stuff this week. This week, though, will be much busier for me than next week. Sorry for the recent lack of activity.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The episode 43-12-27 Invoice Preparations now has a very short audio commentary by PQ Ribber.
The episode 43-11-24 Vic Brings Home A High-Crown Cowboy Hat, has been re-worked and also a full script has been added.
The episode 43-11-24 Vic Brings Home A High-Crown Cowboy Hat, has been re-worked and also a full script has been added.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
An Anthony Doherty story
Yesterday, I found this:
I contacted Mr. Doherty and he wrote back...
Thank you! I don't remember ever seeing this clip, but I do remember the occasion. My mother had a role in a story sequence on the Tom Mix afternoon serial. Of course to me at that age that was a far greater thing than V&S: listening to Tom Mix and the other shows for kids was part of my after-school agenda. So that day not only did I get to see Tom Mix broadcast and meet the cast (Tom Mix was played by Curley Bradley and Leo Curley was his sidekick sheriff), I discovered that another favorite program, Captain Midnight, was done in the adjoining studio, so my joy was complete. Both shows were on the Mutual Network, from the WGN studios in the Tribune Tower.
I contacted Mr. Doherty and he wrote back...
Thank you! I don't remember ever seeing this clip, but I do remember the occasion. My mother had a role in a story sequence on the Tom Mix afternoon serial. Of course to me at that age that was a far greater thing than V&S: listening to Tom Mix and the other shows for kids was part of my after-school agenda. So that day not only did I get to see Tom Mix broadcast and meet the cast (Tom Mix was played by Curley Bradley and Leo Curley was his sidekick sheriff), I discovered that another favorite program, Captain Midnight, was done in the adjoining studio, so my joy was complete. Both shows were on the Mutual Network, from the WGN studios in the Tribune Tower.
Mix was broadcast live twice, to accommodate different parts of the
network. That was a fairly common practice back then, before magnetic
tape was widely used. At one time V&S was broadcast both on NBC and
CBS. I remember my mother telling me that the cast and Paul Rhymer has a
standing reservation for a limo to get them from the Merchandise Mart
to the Wrigley Building every day. At any rate, there was an interval
of, I think, 45 minutes between the two Tom Mix broadcasts, with nothing
going on. That's when I met the organist, who showed me how the Hammond
organ worked. Then I was allowed to play it up until they began to get
ready for the second broadcast.
That did lead
to two years of piano lessons (I wasn't very diligent about practicing).
Later on in junior high school I learned to play the tuba, sort of, and
in high school switched to double bass. It was only after a hitch in
the Navy and a couple of other things that I got to college, eventually
as a music major, and got a degree in composition. I did study organ
some at that time, but my professional focus became composing and
conducting, the latter mostly choral. And that's where I am today. But
that encounter with the Hammond organ was certainly a starting point.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Big stash
The last 2 days I've found a bunch of new magazine articles. While most are small, they make a nice addition. I didn't count, but there must be at least 30 - and I'm not done yet.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Mr. Brainfeeble knows
There's a very good chance that Carl Kroenke was the first - or perhaps second - radio's 'The Shadow'.
For much more, read this.
For much more, read this.
A little Jimbo magic
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Do you have these major file upgrades?
- Vic and Sade 37-11-28 (x) Congress and the Supreme Court.mp3
- Vic and Sade 40-01-12 (x) Vegetable Garden.mp3
- Vic and Sade 41-01-21 (x) Demise of Bernice.mp3
- Vic and Sade 41-02-16 (x) Manual for Wives of Skybrothers.mp3
- Vic and Sade 41-12-xx (x) Uncle Fletcher's Train Trip to Dixon.mp3
- Vic and Sade 42-07-xx (x) Mr Chinbunny Eats Ice Cream.mp3
- Vic and Sade 42-07-xx (x) Thunderstorm.mp3
- Vic and Sade 42-08-xx (x) Washrag Collection.mp3
- Vic and Sade 42-xx-xx (x) Lodge Speech Rehearsal.mp3
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Behind the scenes
While I haven't been posting like a crazy man lately, that doesn't mean I'm bereft of website ''doins.'' Ive been busier than most, but you fail to see my activities. I won't go through all I've done, but you may look up something and notice some additions.
I am also adding more to the Print and Media site.
New episodes and script additions will come shortly.
I am also adding more to the Print and Media site.
New episodes and script additions will come shortly.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
A new book
Peoria Stories: Tales from the Illinois Heartland, is a new book about Peoria and Central Illinois. Google claims Vic and Sade are at least mentioned. Someone yell at me if you've read it.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Mis' Crowe has been busy!
Mis' Crowe brings us two new commentaries and transcripts...
41-01-24 Boss Waits in the Car
41-02-03 Wallpapering at Midnight
And don't miss her piece, Vic and Sade and Oscar Wilde — Simpatico.
All fans of Vic and Sade should appreciate Mis' Crowe's insight and hard work!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Vic and Sade and Oscar Wilde — Simpatico
It may seem funny to us that so much energy and emotion is invested in wallpaper on “Vic and Sade” — but Wilde would disagree:
“Why, Mr. Wilde, do you think America is such a violent country?”Wilde wasn’t being capricious or cute — he was making a serious point in a funny way. I can’t say it any better than Fry said it himself:
“I can tell you why,” he said. “It’s susceptible readily of an explanation. America is such a violent country because your wallpaper is so ugly.”
[H]e could see that we were harmful to our planet in terms of its aesthetics. That we were making the earth uglier. Uglier with bad architecture, uglier with badly designed factories, uglier with badly stamped out tin trays and cheap ornaments, ugly with appalling wallpaper. And if you’re someone who grows up in such an environment, who is surrounded by badly made ugly things, then you think ugly thoughts of yourself and world. You think ugly thoughts of your whole species.So when Sade campaigns for attractive upstairs wallpaper, when she battles with Mr. Erickson and wears herself down mentally over wallpaper, she’s not just being womanish and superficial. There is a lot at stake: for her mental health, for her family’s, for society’s. And, in fact, Vic makes this very same point, in fewer words, right in that episode:
VIC: Uh-huh. Say, talk about your poisonous greens…this baby on top here takes the cake.Other conversation in this episode recalls another famous Wilde zinger, often paraphrased and mischaracterized as his final words: “This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do” (also quoted in another source as “One of us has got to go”). Wilde was in a bad way when he said this, broke, exiled, and dying painfully in a cheap hotel. On one hand, it was a funny remark to make in that situation — you’re on the verge of death, and all you care about is the wallpaper? On the other hand, it is terribly sad to think that a man who cared so much about beauty was forced to lay dying in agony while staring at a wallpaper pattern that distressed him. Vic, once again, understands:
SADE: Could you imagine livin’ in a room with wallpaper like that?
VIC: I’m afraid I’d grow morbid and homicidal.
RUSH: “For those who love a rich, restful emerald color, this lovely pattern should be a perfect joy.”I don’t know how familiar Paul Rhymer would have been with Wilde and the aesthetic movement, or if he would have ever heard either of these quotes (though it’s certainly likely — Wilde being one of the great comedy writers, I’m sure Rhymer read plenty of him), but great minds think alike. Attributing violent behavior and illness to wallpaper is funny. It is also profound. These two things need not contradict one another. -- Lydia Crowe
SADE: Oh, my, my, my, my, my.
VIC: “Rich, restful emerald color,” huh? If I was entertainin’ somebody I despised for the weekend I’d expose them to this “rich, restful emerald color.” And I’d guarantee by Monday morning he’d feel vaguely ill and be affected with spots before the eyes and a tendency toward involuntary shakes and shudderin’s.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Links added
Now cross-referenced to the Print Media site are the ANNOUNCERS, DIRECTORS, PRODUCERS & ORGANISTS page as well as the bio pages for the five principle actors plus Paul Rhymer.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Vic wrote a book?
I guessed long ago that Vic had written a book.
I found 'evidence' that suggests I was correct. Check out some additional information in the post, 41-05-30 Five Men from Maine.
I found 'evidence' that suggests I was correct. Check out some additional information in the post, 41-05-30 Five Men from Maine.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Jimbo's comments about V&S
I was on the Quakquaversal Satellite podcast last night. Here are my edited comments about the website, Paul Rhymer, etc.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
PQ Ribber finds a hidden piece
![]() |
PQ Ribber's art.. |
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Audio slowly being added to V&S Print Media site
Slowly but surely, audio is being added to the V&S Print Media site. I'd venture one-third are done as of now. If you'd like to help, please let me know.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Rush comes home
32-08-01 Rush Comes Home has been updated;
it now contains a link to Barbara Schwarz's
original notes and bits of the script.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Presto, change-o, reverse engineero
I worked my tail off last week, finishing off the new Vic and Sade appendage, Vic and Sade in Print Media.
Yep, I know it's not sexy or pretty, but it does the job...
I wonder how many of you realize how I have reversed engineered these sites to do what they are doing. These are BLOGS. Who knew you could turn a blog(s) into an encyclopedia?
Well... I'll be back in a couple of days.
Yep, I know it's not sexy or pretty, but it does the job...
I wonder how many of you realize how I have reversed engineered these sites to do what they are doing. These are BLOGS. Who knew you could turn a blog(s) into an encyclopedia?
Well... I'll be back in a couple of days.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Newspaper and magazine articles are finished as a horse!
I finished posting the remaining newspaper and magazine articles. There are 284 articles, to date. Find them here.
Reading, recording articles and scripts for the blind
I have many news and magazine articles that will need to be audibly recorded, so those who are visually impaired may also enjoy them. If you would be up for volunteering, please let me know. I will not overburden or pressure you, if you choose to help. E-mail me for details.
Sade's on the phone and Bill's in the Navy
43-01-28 Sade's On the Phone has been updated, including a script. Bernardine Flynn did this episode by herself, so the script has her doing some interesting things.
The script also has Rush outside and earlier helping Sade move furniture... well, he was in the Navy.
The script also has Rush outside and earlier helping Sade move furniture... well, he was in the Navy.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Being lazy
Every now and then I have take off my Superwwwwman cape and take a needed rest and regenerate; I am also stuck with an injury that is likely to involve rehab.
Cut to the quick, I'm going to take it easy for a few days. I will do some stuff, but as little as possible.
I do not worry about 'burnout' when it comes to Sade and the boys.
Vic in Sade made the news today. It's not much, but continues to show that fans remain.
Tell a neighbor about the show. Tell someone about Paul Rhymer, the ease and flow of Idelson, Van Harvey's odd mercury, how Bernardine made 'the perfect Sade', and of course, mention 5 stories about Uncle Fletcher, Honey.
Cut to the quick, I'm going to take it easy for a few days. I will do some stuff, but as little as possible.
I do not worry about 'burnout' when it comes to Sade and the boys.
Vic in Sade made the news today. It's not much, but continues to show that fans remain.
Tell a neighbor about the show. Tell someone about Paul Rhymer, the ease and flow of Idelson, Van Harvey's odd mercury, how Bernardine made 'the perfect Sade', and of course, mention 5 stories about Uncle Fletcher, Honey.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Twenty five new news entries
Twenty five new news entries just finished, although some you may have seen before as I am assembling this new site. See them here.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
But before I go...
I believe I have solved a minor mystery. It's a behind-the-scenes
kind of thing, and not that important, in the scheme of things.
Though we have NO evidence, I have notes from the Friends of Vic and Sade that before Third Lieutenant Clinton Stanley, there was Second Lieutenant Bob Womble.
I've read more than 300 newspaper and magazine articles on the subject of Vic and Sade and can find no mention of "Bob Womble". However, I have found a Bob Wamboldt, who was a studio engineer. This HAS to be the guy in question. I've found him mentioned twice (at least), both in 1936, prior to Clinton Stanley joining the studio team.
Second Lieutenant Bob Womble will become Second Lieutenant Bob Wamboldt, when I return. And just in case, please fix this for me, 'Plan B'...
Though we have NO evidence, I have notes from the Friends of Vic and Sade that before Third Lieutenant Clinton Stanley, there was Second Lieutenant Bob Womble.
I've read more than 300 newspaper and magazine articles on the subject of Vic and Sade and can find no mention of "Bob Womble". However, I have found a Bob Wamboldt, who was a studio engineer. This HAS to be the guy in question. I've found him mentioned twice (at least), both in 1936, prior to Clinton Stanley joining the studio team.
Second Lieutenant Bob Womble will become Second Lieutenant Bob Wamboldt, when I return. And just in case, please fix this for me, 'Plan B'...
There's a good chance I am about to spend some time in the hospital. I hope to return ASAP.
If I do not return, do not panic... there IS a 'plan B' in place.
However, I do expect to return.
In the meantime, there yet again 25 or so new entries in the Vic and Sade in Print Media site.
If I do not return, do not panic... there IS a 'plan B' in place.
However, I do expect to return.
In the meantime, there yet again 25 or so new entries in the Vic and Sade in Print Media site.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
About 2 dozen new articles posted
I'm getting close to finishing posting all of the newspaper and magazine articles. There appears to be close to (more than) 250 total. The Friends of Vic and Sade provided about half of these.
You can check out all the new ones, or explore by keyword here.
You can check out all the new ones, or explore by keyword here.
Roy Dejectedly Roy Dejectedly
The Crazy World of Vic and Sade: Trial Visit Trial Visit http://t.co/pkYqRNJyJr
— Brickmush Man (@Jimbo_otr) November 4, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
A FOVS piece about music
Pale Hands and Foolish Butterflies, or Sing Along with the Gooks http://t.co/3sgkwJVPf3
— Brickmush Man (@Jimbo_otr) November 3, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Icebergs in Illinois
New commentary and script from Vic and Sade fan, Mis' Crowe!
You will appreciate this script, because the audio is so bad...
You will appreciate this script, because the audio is so bad...
41-xx-xx Icebergs in Illinois
Big changes
Due to the fact that 1) I have a number of new newspaper and magazine articles (only 1/2 have been posted thus far) and 2) some of the articles might be hard to read, I have taken the enormous giant leap to try and solidify things.
I have begun a new branch (blog) to hold just newspaper and magazine articles. They will be "blown up" to their largest size from the get go; you may then read it, or choose "save as" (to save it) or choose "view image" to make it even larger and you can read it (or again, choose to save it).
This means a few things: first, the "Newspaper Articles" choice on the left hand side of blog no longer exists (or won't as of Monday).
Secondly, 99% of the newspaper/magazine articles that existed on The Vic and Sade Notebook no longer exist here but have been transferred (or are in the process of being transferred) to a new site, Vic and Sade in Print Media. You can go ahead and check it out, but it's unfinished.
Another advantage of the new site is that it should be much easier to find the specific article you seek, if you are looking for a specific reference without reading all of an article. In processing and creating the site, I have done my best to highlight specific words or phrases to make finding things easier.
As of this writing, I am probably only 35% of the way done, but by Monday, I hope to have it completed. Everything else has been put on hold until this is done.
I have begun a new branch (blog) to hold just newspaper and magazine articles. They will be "blown up" to their largest size from the get go; you may then read it, or choose "save as" (to save it) or choose "view image" to make it even larger and you can read it (or again, choose to save it).
This means a few things: first, the "Newspaper Articles" choice on the left hand side of blog no longer exists (or won't as of Monday).
Secondly, 99% of the newspaper/magazine articles that existed on The Vic and Sade Notebook no longer exist here but have been transferred (or are in the process of being transferred) to a new site, Vic and Sade in Print Media. You can go ahead and check it out, but it's unfinished.
Another advantage of the new site is that it should be much easier to find the specific article you seek, if you are looking for a specific reference without reading all of an article. In processing and creating the site, I have done my best to highlight specific words or phrases to make finding things easier.
As of this writing, I am probably only 35% of the way done, but by Monday, I hope to have it completed. Everything else has been put on hold until this is done.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
38-07-26 Vic and the Husher's Baby
There's a new partial script up: 38-07-26 Vic and the Husher's Baby.
I had planned on putting up a new episode and script, but to be honest, I've been so busy with other additions, I haven't had time. There should be one up later today.
On a positive note, I have an idea that will make finding items we have in the various print media much easier to find and digest, however, that project is in the early stages, so more about that, later.
On a positive note, I have an idea that will make finding items we have in the various print media much easier to find and digest, however, that project is in the early stages, so more about that, later.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
I'm behind on everything!
In case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty much behind on all aspects of the main site. I'm spending lots of time trying to fix things, but it's going to take time.
I'm also adding tidbits to episodes as I find them. I've got a lot of new ammo here and I'm trying to improve existing episodes with new graphics, info, etc.
I'm going to try and add a new script every day until I run out, too.
Lots to do, please be patient.
As always, your feedback is appreciated.
I'm also adding tidbits to episodes as I find them. I've got a lot of new ammo here and I'm trying to improve existing episodes with new graphics, info, etc.
I'm going to try and add a new script every day until I run out, too.
Lots to do, please be patient.
As always, your feedback is appreciated.
Rishigan Fishigan and the Penthouse
A brand 'new' script! The Crazy World of Vic and Sade 43-07-22 Rishigan Fishigan and the Penthouse http://t.co/v3CcraD18E
Monday, October 27, 2014
New - Show chronology
Check the 'Archive Key' box, (upper right hand corner) of the main site to see the entire chronology of the radio series, written by Barbara Schwarz.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Updated... Sade Needs a Gift, Quick!
New short script! The Crazy World of Vic and Sade: 39-12-15 Sade Needs A Gift – Quick! http://vicandsade.blogspot.com/2012/09/39-12-15-sade-needs-gift-quick.html
Canned foods fiasco letter
You may remember these rather odd episode
xx-xx-xx Gabbing Gooks Go to Glowworm...
xx-xx-xx The Joy of Canned Foods
Well, I've obtained a letter that explains this
situation a bit more:
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Sorting Christmas Cards
A brand new short script/synopsis: 39-12-25 Sorting Christmas Cards http://vicandsade.blogspot.com/2012/09/39-12-25-sorting-christmas-cards.html
What I found in the treasure box
Here's what I found in the treasure box after weeding out the chaff:
- Many photos of Rhymer and the cast that I have never seen before, maybe in the neighborhood of 35.
- Lots of new newspaper/magazine articles. Again, maybe in the neighborhood of 20 full-size articles or more and perhaps up to 100(!) or more small newspaper/magazine articles.
- Notes. More than quadruple the notes I had gotten before; there's no way to tell you how many there are, but enough to keep me busy a long time. There are a lot of clues to help me find things as well.
- Complete scripts. As far as "complete" goes, there might be 15 new ones I haven't seen before.
- Script pieces I didn't have. LOTS and LOTS of them, maybe 150, where perhaps I have as much as 1/3rd of a script. Either way, significantly more than you would see in my episodes done earlier, where I gave credit to Barbara Schwarz.
- Lots and lots of original material. This would include some ingenious artwork and other stuff done by zealous fans.
- MORE STUFF. Hey, i can't remember it all. I spent 10 hours or so going over every piece of paper. I really didn't get a chance to read anything but there is lots of NEW stuff to explore.
Monday, October 20, 2014
It's like Christmas for Jimbo
A few years ago, i was given the notes and briefs of scripts from Barbara Schwarz's adventures into the University of Wisconsin's library in Madison that houses the vast majority of the Paul Rhymer script collection.
Today, I am the very proud owner of somewhere close to all of her work. I received a giant box today and it's full to the brim of stuff.
I hope to add every note to the website. First, i have to go over it, year by year. Then I have to scan it all and upload it. Then I have to post it all.
I have no working scanner at the moment but that should be remedied just as soon as I make it to town, then I can get to work.
I'm not sure how this will be done yet either; I have to think about this as I look over this treasure.
I will see you soon!
Today, I am the very proud owner of somewhere close to all of her work. I received a giant box today and it's full to the brim of stuff.
I hope to add every note to the website. First, i have to go over it, year by year. Then I have to scan it all and upload it. Then I have to post it all.
I have no working scanner at the moment but that should be remedied just as soon as I make it to town, then I can get to work.
I'm not sure how this will be done yet either; I have to think about this as I look over this treasure.
I will see you soon!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Nothing has seen more changes, tears, anguish, frustration, elation... than THE MAP.
THE MAP was something I thought would be easy to take care of and change as time went along. I babysat this map and changed it everyday, adding this and that as time went along. I'd review an episode and change the map. I'm guessing I made 500 changes to this map.
It was never perfect or even close to it, so a long time ago, I put it away, promising to not let it bother me again. The map was ugly, I thought, and inaccurate to boot.
But lately, I've been going through my old digital files and I found THE MAP. I looked at it and I realized that it's really not that bad of a map.
So here it is again. It's probably not 100% accurate...
THE MAP was something I thought would be easy to take care of and change as time went along. I babysat this map and changed it everyday, adding this and that as time went along. I'd review an episode and change the map. I'm guessing I made 500 changes to this map.
It was never perfect or even close to it, so a long time ago, I put it away, promising to not let it bother me again. The map was ugly, I thought, and inaccurate to boot.
But lately, I've been going through my old digital files and I found THE MAP. I looked at it and I realized that it's really not that bad of a map.
So here it is again. It's probably not 100% accurate...
![]() |
click to enlarge |
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Relive Vic's misery of losing Bess's letter from 1937
40-12-23 Bess' Letter from 1937 has been given a new commentary by Mis' Crowe and she has transcribed the script for us as well!
Three cheers for her fantastic work!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Four new commentaries and scripts... and more
The following shows have been updated:
40-10-27 Hot Soup
40-11-19 Brick Mush Man Caught in Revolving...
40-12-17 A Bijou Lifetime Pass
40-05-27 Mis' Scott Getting Too Chummy
Also, I fixed all bad links today.
There are major surprises coming next
week... It's a good time to be Vic and
Sade fan.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Most bizarre
Cropper. Cooper. Normal. Bloomington.
Each of these places has been named as the place where the Gooks lived.
However, what about Rushville Center?
According to the book, Comedy: New Perspectives (p. 263), that was the the place where the Gooks lived.
In defense of the book, it does have a sweet dichotomy of life in Rushville Center versus the world of depression and WW II. I hope you take the time to read it.
Each of these places has been named as the place where the Gooks lived.
However, what about Rushville Center?
According to the book, Comedy: New Perspectives (p. 263), that was the the place where the Gooks lived.
In defense of the book, it does have a sweet dichotomy of life in Rushville Center versus the world of depression and WW II. I hope you take the time to read it.
New commentaries and scripts from Mis' Crowe
40-06-14 Freedom Last Day of School
40-06-17 Mr. Sludge to Sleep Overnight at Gooks
40-06-18 June Christmas Card Pressure
This will
give you your first chance
EVER to see some of Paul
Rhymer's Christmas cards
on the internet!
(More to come!)
Thursday, October 9, 2014
In the news
Vic and Sade are not completely forgotten in the newspapers these days, even in a big place like Salt Lake City, Texas... make that, Utah. Bloomington, Indiana.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Another re-creation found
I just found another re-creation of a script that we don't have; this from 1932, called "Restart Exercising". This title has been changed (by me) to Restart Exercising (Underwear by Mail Order) as this is the episode that contains the famous Rush and Sade exchange about one of Rush's friends ordering underwear through the mail - and the episode is much more famous for that than anything else.
This re-creation is from the American Radio Theater and you can find a link to it and updated show notes here.
This re-creation is from the American Radio Theater and you can find a link to it and updated show notes here.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Update time
The following episodes now have Mis' Lydia Crowe's analysis and scripts transcribed from the audio...
Vic's Heart-shaped Face
Engine Cab Ride to Chicago
Working Out Hank's Indebtedness
Vic's Picture Totally Mislabeled
Nicer the Goader
Teaching Cigar Smoking to Chinbunny (Rush)
Monday, September 22, 2014
Dead horses
Paul Rhymer spent a considerable amount of time writing about horses on Vic and Sade.
Did you realize Mr. Gumpox had at least three different garbage wagon horses die (Bernice, Cecil and Margaret Evelyn)?
Did you realize Mr. Gumpox had at least three different garbage wagon horses die (Bernice, Cecil and Margaret Evelyn)?
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The Edgar Guest connection

It has been known for a while that Mr. Guest was a huge fan of the Vic and Sade radio show and though we could only surmise the reasons, perhaps now we know for a fact, why. There is a photo of Guest along with the Vic and Sade gang in existence and a famous quote (actually a short poem) from him from another patch of time, showing his admiration for the show.
In 1936-1937 (and perhaps before and after these dates) Art Van Harvey and Bernardine Flynn played husband and wife on Welcome Valley, a show starring Guest. Not much is known about the show, other than Joan Blaine was also a co-star and Guest played the editor of a newspaper, the Welcome Valley Chronicle.
It seems now the mystery of the connection of why Guest was such a big fan of the show is now solved.
A very important discovery concerning the "brick mush man"
We've been perplexed by brick mush and later, we probably figured it out. However, the whole concept of a "brick mush salesman" mystified even the best of us, including myself. There's NO WAY a man went door to door selling polenta, right?
From a 1906 Ithaca, New York paper, classified section:
From a 1906 Ithaca, New York paper, classified section:
![]() |
January 2, 1906 Ithaca Daily News, page 7 |
New York Times perplexed by brick mush query
A bit of digging this morning led me to a 1985 article from the New York Times, where a cooking expert answered questions for readers.
In the second question posted, a reader asks about brick mush; the writer seems to have figured out the "what is it" part but was stumped by the Vic and Sade aspect.
In the second question posted, a reader asks about brick mush; the writer seems to have figured out the "what is it" part but was stumped by the Vic and Sade aspect.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Miltons' dirt
40-04-15 Milton's Dirt in Fruit Jars has a new
commentary and script, thanks to Lydia Crowe.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
An interview with Stephen Drangula
Imagine a world without the internet and without all the Vic and Sade material we have now - and without all of the Vic and Sade friends that abound.
A couple of months ago, Stephen Drangula (https://twitter.com/Drangula) started following me on Twitter. His quips are always funny - but the best thing is, he is a Vic and Sade fan.
He hasn't delved too far into the series, but I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get to know him a bit better!
Jimbo: Tell us how far into the series you are.
Stephen Drangula: I’ve listened to everything the Internet Archive has from 1937 to 1940. I’ve also listened to the last episode and a smattering of others.
Jimbo: Do you remember when and how you first heard about Vic and Sade and what you first thought of it?
Stephen Drangula: In the late 1990s, I went to Chicago’s Museum of Broadcast Communications, and took advantage of their archive of old TV and radio shows, which could be watched/listened to in a private booth. In addition to watching the first-ever episode of “Sesame Street,” I chose to listen to four episodes of “Vic and Sade.”
These episodes were from the period when the show had continuing story lines. I remember being struck by how sharply observed the characters, situations and humor were. Just from those four episodes I thought—this is probably the best thing that was ever on radio.
Detailed memories of those four episodes have faded, but I remember one featured boorish house guests, who drive Sade mad while believing themselves to be boisterously hilarious. Sade tries to be polite throughout the episode, until the end, when she angrily bursts out, “Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet!”
For years, I meant to spend more time with the show, but it wasn’t until several months ago that I finally took advantage of the internet’s bounty, and started listening again.
It seems as if I must have known about the show before visiting the museum. Why did I choose to spend my limited time at the place with that show? But if I had heard of, or heard, “Vic and Sade” prior to that visit, I no longer remember.
Jimbo: Finish this sentence. "When I think about the show, Vic and Sade, the first thing I think about is _____"
Stephen Drangula: Rush. I am very taken with his character. He is among the most fully realized and lifelike teenagers in literature. He’s vastly superior to, say, Henry Aldrich. I’m sure he doesn’t have a peer in radio. You’d have to look at the best in novels and plays, instead. It may not be going too far to compare him to Shakespeare’s boys and girls, particularly Romeo.
I’m disappointed to hear that he simply disappears from the series and then is replaced, without explanation, by Russell.
Of course—unlike Romeo, who is not bound to a particular actor—Bill Idelson deserves part of the credit for the character’s success, just as Art Van Harvey and Bernardine Flynn do for the success of their characters.
Then again, I came across a Vic and Sade script years ago, and the show is awe-inspiring even in script form. In this one, Vic and Rush amuse themselves with electric shocks being delivered by a malfunctioning washing machine. I didn’t need to hear the actors to be charmed and impressed by just Paul Rhymer’s words.
Jimbo: I think it’s pretty obvious that Paul Rhymer's writing had an influence on others' writing and on television (particularly through Bill Idelson). Would you care to comment on this?
Stephen Drangula: I wish he had had more influence. One reason the show is still so fresh and original is that no one has managed to duplicate its success. I’m not sure very many have tried. Certainly the show sounds nothing like the punchline-oriented comedies of then or now. And it’s only recently that some TV comedies have abandoned the laugh track and attempted the more naturalistic humor that is characteristic of “Vic and Sade,” but I don’t know if anyone writing comedies today has been directly influenced by it.
I’m working on a radio series that I scripted, and perform in, called “The Rich and the Filthy,” a parody of soap operas, that I hope will be available on iTunes soon. I’m proud of the show, but I’m sad to report that it’s not influenced much by Paul Rhymer’s work. I’d have to be a much more seasoned writer, and observer of human nature, to attempt anything like Rhymer.
A couple of months ago, Stephen Drangula (https://twitter.com/Drangula) started following me on Twitter. His quips are always funny - but the best thing is, he is a Vic and Sade fan.
He hasn't delved too far into the series, but I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get to know him a bit better!
Jimbo: Tell us how far into the series you are.
Stephen Drangula: I’ve listened to everything the Internet Archive has from 1937 to 1940. I’ve also listened to the last episode and a smattering of others.
Jimbo: Do you remember when and how you first heard about Vic and Sade and what you first thought of it?
Stephen Drangula: In the late 1990s, I went to Chicago’s Museum of Broadcast Communications, and took advantage of their archive of old TV and radio shows, which could be watched/listened to in a private booth. In addition to watching the first-ever episode of “Sesame Street,” I chose to listen to four episodes of “Vic and Sade.”
These episodes were from the period when the show had continuing story lines. I remember being struck by how sharply observed the characters, situations and humor were. Just from those four episodes I thought—this is probably the best thing that was ever on radio.
Detailed memories of those four episodes have faded, but I remember one featured boorish house guests, who drive Sade mad while believing themselves to be boisterously hilarious. Sade tries to be polite throughout the episode, until the end, when she angrily bursts out, “Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet!”
For years, I meant to spend more time with the show, but it wasn’t until several months ago that I finally took advantage of the internet’s bounty, and started listening again.
It seems as if I must have known about the show before visiting the museum. Why did I choose to spend my limited time at the place with that show? But if I had heard of, or heard, “Vic and Sade” prior to that visit, I no longer remember.
Jimbo: Finish this sentence. "When I think about the show, Vic and Sade, the first thing I think about is _____"
Stephen Drangula: Rush. I am very taken with his character. He is among the most fully realized and lifelike teenagers in literature. He’s vastly superior to, say, Henry Aldrich. I’m sure he doesn’t have a peer in radio. You’d have to look at the best in novels and plays, instead. It may not be going too far to compare him to Shakespeare’s boys and girls, particularly Romeo.
I’m disappointed to hear that he simply disappears from the series and then is replaced, without explanation, by Russell.
Of course—unlike Romeo, who is not bound to a particular actor—Bill Idelson deserves part of the credit for the character’s success, just as Art Van Harvey and Bernardine Flynn do for the success of their characters.
Then again, I came across a Vic and Sade script years ago, and the show is awe-inspiring even in script form. In this one, Vic and Rush amuse themselves with electric shocks being delivered by a malfunctioning washing machine. I didn’t need to hear the actors to be charmed and impressed by just Paul Rhymer’s words.
Jimbo: I think it’s pretty obvious that Paul Rhymer's writing had an influence on others' writing and on television (particularly through Bill Idelson). Would you care to comment on this?
Stephen Drangula: I wish he had had more influence. One reason the show is still so fresh and original is that no one has managed to duplicate its success. I’m not sure very many have tried. Certainly the show sounds nothing like the punchline-oriented comedies of then or now. And it’s only recently that some TV comedies have abandoned the laugh track and attempted the more naturalistic humor that is characteristic of “Vic and Sade,” but I don’t know if anyone writing comedies today has been directly influenced by it.
I’m working on a radio series that I scripted, and perform in, called “The Rich and the Filthy,” a parody of soap operas, that I hope will be available on iTunes soon. I’m proud of the show, but I’m sad to report that it’s not influenced much by Paul Rhymer’s work. I’d have to be a much more seasoned writer, and observer of human nature, to attempt anything like Rhymer.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Thimble Clubs found as early as 1903; more popular in 1930s
I did some digging and found that the "Thimble Club" was not a Paul Rhymer invention, as they can be found planning to congregate (in newspapers) as early as 1903.
However, by 1932, the same year as Vic and Sade began, you see a large uptick in mentions of club meetings in newspapers.
However, by 1932, the same year as Vic and Sade began, you see a large uptick in mentions of club meetings in newspapers.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Why, of course, Mis’ Scott. Send him right on over, Mis’ Scott. No trouble at all.
New commentary and script from Mis' Lydia Crowe! This time, it's 40-04-10 Nicer to Sleep Over for Two Weeks.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Much more information for 1934 episode
Thanks to author John Hetherington. He has provided me many more details for 34-02-13 At the Miller Park Zoo.
The episode takes place at Miller Park (City Park) and is one of the few known episodes to take place away from the household panorama.
The episode takes place at Miller Park (City Park) and is one of the few known episodes to take place away from the household panorama.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Can Bluetooth Sue the Bijou?
Well, he might can try...
Mis' Lydia Crowe advises us on her feelings on the subject and provides us with a script! (She does awesome work!)
Mis' Lydia Crowe advises us on her feelings on the subject and provides us with a script! (She does awesome work!)
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
No Vic! No train trip to Chicago!
Mis' Lydia Crowe adds a commentary and a new script to our library at The Crazy World of Vic and Sade; this for the episode, 1940-03-29 - No Trip To Chicago.
Monday, August 25, 2014
New commentary and script (Vic Fakes the Cornet)
Mis' Lydia Crowe has provided us with another script and commentary, this one for Vic Fakes the Cornet.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
The small house grew more than just Panther's Blood
Panther's Blood is probably fictional. Paul Rhymer loved to come up with fictional card games, towns, friends, movie titles, movie stars, book titles and foods. But he did not stop there - he enjoyed making up names of flowers: Late Joe Butlers, Kiss Me Georges, Royal Slumps, Blue Doldrums, Zero Zinnias, and Choke Choke.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
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