Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Franklin McMahon (II)
Well, I didn't know this until just now, but McMahon was much more than I ever knew. I invite you to look at his Wikipedia page.
God bless my mess.
Things may be messy now and then. Hopefully it will all get worked out.
Working on that dog gone map! This might take a while or maybe I can find a solution of some sort...
Ted MacMurray the show's producer...
But Paul Rhymer called Ted MacMurray "Fred" all the time, just to mess with him.
Over time, he became "Fred" to everyone.
Conversely, Fred Stembottom eventually became "Ted" on the show - thanks to Rhymer's sly sense of humor!
Pelter Unbleat's imaginary brother
My research shows that he often played in daytime series in Chicago (soap operas) so adding him to the cast would not have been hard to do.
I also found out the names of a few other actors who played real characters, including Mr. Gumpox, who I mentioned in a post the other day. Cliff Soubier voiced him. The other actors aren't exactly household names today but may have been well known character actors in the mid 1940's.
I'll be adding those shortly.
Also working on the map - that's going to be a headache.
Blue Tooth under the davenport
We know stuff like that happened to Sade before. In the episode 41-xx-xx Sade Can Keep a Secret, her blabbin' has made others mad at her. And you know there were other times.
I am wonderin' how I missed this fact until now?
Crawling into a big barrel and swearing
Well while fixing the sound on the episodes, I came across a nearly identical statement by Rush in 40-03-25 Smelly Clark's Big Date. There he also talks about crawling into a barrel of Bibles and swearing.
More additions to the left-hand side
+ Photos for as many of the cast as possible. This would include multiple photos and maybe some you have never seen before. These will be under the star's BIO, etc...
+ A Vic and Sade Museum. This may or may not happen. Don't ask me what it will be because at this very second, I don't really know. But I do know every graphic I have ever uploaded is kept by Blogger and I can retrieve it if I want. So there may be a museum - or maybe not.
+ Just curious, have you seen the Hartzell bio I got from the Lum and Abner Society? It's comprehensive (look under 'Hartzell.') By the end of the year, I will have more Hartzell surprises... but I can't tell you about it now.
+ I need to update the nicknames for Rush. And I also have the nicknames for Russell, so there's another page that has to be done. I hope to have these done soon.
+ I need to finish The Best of Vic and Sade. Those are the YouTube videos. I don't know if I will get to those this week.
+ I may make a video called, "How to use this website." Or maybe I won't.
+ I need to finish fixing the sound on the first 50/75 episodes. I hope to have that done this week. Maybe today. (I may do that after writing this post.)
+ I have characters that do not appear in the audio portion of episodes, nor in the Schwarz episodes. These characters - some classic - "have no home." So, what to do with them? I suppose I'll put them in the Character site and designate them as having no episode attached to them. I'm not sure what happened - maybe Schwarz ran out of time or didn't complete her notes but there's a "hole" of characters that have no episode attached to them.
There are also plots to characters I already have that have no episode, so they can't be linked to. I can just add those to the Character website and somehow designate that there is nothing to link back to.
+ I still want to do a map. This will be the 3rd map I have done. The last map was okay but it was too small to write things on (ran out of room.)
The new idea is to take a screen shot from Google Earth and turn that into a digital "pencil drawing." I will print that out, make notes on it by hand, then scan it. That seems to be the only way I can make the map the way I want, since I'm not an expert with graphic programs and I don't really know anyone who is or if I do, they don't want to seem to help.
+ I still have plenty of scripts and script episodes to post. These will be the last episodes posted.
+ I still have 4-5 "second hand story" episodes, with audio that I got from the interviews. These will be posted, probably this week.
+ I have a Mel Allen audio interview to post. He was an announcer at one time for V&S. Although in the interview, he fails to mention V&S!
+ I may put links to all V&S stuff found in Google Books - you can go right to the reference. But I may not... I haven't really had time to think about it.
+ I do have a link to find the latest V&S stuff posted on the internet. Yes, my site comes up as the first 3 or 4 things on there but looking under that, people are talking about V&S. Every now and then, it's something cool. Be on the lookout for that.
+ I'm going to write a long piece on V&S before the end of the year. It may be the longest thing I've ever written (unless you count this or my other websites.)
+ There are other things cookin' but I can't tell you. You'll find out somewhere around the end of the year.
+ Also, I hope to use this blog as more of an expression of trivia I find. Right now, you are seeing me rattle off what I am doing. I'm sure that's boring.
And the fact of the matter is, I have tons of stuff I have found. Whether it comes out here or in The Crazy World, it's coming out...
So eventually, this will become a "trivia" website - not like "game show" trivia but "hey, here's what I found out" trivia. It's just right NOW I am busy. And what's on my mind is finishing. I can be a very driven, obsessive person. GET OUT OF MY WAY! (Just kidding.)
Now off to work!
Bernadine is Bernardine
After some research, I see he's right. The problem is "Bernadine" must be printed in my website at least 500 times.
I've changed each one up to 1941. I'll try and change a year every day until I am finished (or at least by the end of the week.)
You see? This job is never ending. There are other names that are spelled wrongly too (or differently from the scripts:)
Rhymer - Donohoe Me - Donahue
Rhymer - Trogle Me - Trogel
Rhymer - Jordal Me - Jordle
And there are about 500 more. I don't know how many I will wind up fixing. Right now, the only important one to fix is 'Bernardine.'
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Ta-da! Interviews all done
Franklin McMahon
You can find his stuff at The Crazy World under Announcers. You might find him easier though by going to OTR Audio Interviews.
Interview up for Ed Roberts
Another round of Hartzell questions
Announcer Bob Brown's interview
His complete offering is under "announcers" on the Crazy World but he's easier to find at thet OTR Interview site.
A real question; if I can't ask you (the reader) who can I ask?
I still got quite a bit done yesterday.
After the interview stuff is done, it's off to more projects for the website. There are probably 10 more large projects to do.
I had something HUGE prepared for the end of the year. Unfortunately, I've had little response from those I have asked to help. So the HUGE thing will be more tempered. But that's okay. I think what I am providing here and what the others who have done me the honor of replying to my emails, it going to still be something to be quite proud of.
There are so many things to share with all of you Vic and Sade fans and I am very excited about doing so. Every little bit I learn about the show is a thrill. Every time I can add another "horse" - to me that's FUN! Every new character or story that's accumulated - each piece of the puzzle - that's just something I really enjoy.
It's really funny to me that here I am doing THIS and there were other people doing the same thing before me. I only wish I had known before I spent countless hours of my own time going though everything. But now we have two separate records and I can look at each and find things that don't match. Surprisingly, other than spelling, you'd be shocked at just how they have matched up.
The notes I have on the stuff from the U of W library though is the real gem, because otherwise, they would have just sat there in some homes of older people. I can imagine that stuff being thrown away as I sit here and type because someone had died and their kids had thrown it away.
It's providence that has me sitting at a keyboard sharing this stuff with you. There's a reason why *I* was doing the same thing the others were doing. I can imagine the Vic and Sade group sitting around thinking about how to put this stuff on the internet. There is so much work involved. Even if there are 10 people.
Here it is, almost November and I am thankful that I have the opportunity to do this!
Now, off to work!
As always, check back here and Twitter for updates.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Virtually every legitimate name on the series
Graphic I left out this in this morning's post
Making the graphic makes me realize how deep in the gutter my mind is. {blush}
No offense to anyone but you'll probably not decypher the graphic. I could have made it much easier to understand but... I... didn't...
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click to enlarge |
Ignore the "imagined photos" in this graphic - it's the occupations and where they live that are important for those 2 characters.
Second Lieutenant Womble
Pass the bagels
I got quite a bit accomplished too. Although at one point I got so sleepy I had to do other junk to stay awake.
I just had a bagel but I hurt my teeth crunching down on a padlock. That's the last time I eat locks and bagels.
But seriously, I've got a ton of stuff to do. If you could see my desk, you'd feel sorry for me. Notes scattered everywhere!
By the way, There was nothing but good that came out of listening and capturing all of those Vic and Sade interviews, yesterday. I not only got the sound clips (probably 100 or more) but I took notes the whole time, I really got a lot of material that I didn't have. I can't wait to share it all with you.
The posting this morning about Howard the horse from Jean Shepard is just one item. Wasn't that a GREAT story?
Did P&G actually give transcriptions to WWII scrap drive?
Questions raised in my own head after interview-listening
7-8 new episodes found (sort of)
Bern Flynn audio galore
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Updated Answers
Writing here everyday
This will also serve as a place where I can relay notes about The Crazy World of Vic and Sade, which is in a pleasant metamorphesis right now, growing by leaps and bounds and it's "look" is changing, hopefully for the better. I apologize if you hate change but I like change and I like to change the headers now and then. I also like messing with the colors, etc. But hopefully, I can find the right mix.
Please watch this website.
Not just Leland Richards
You know that Leland Richards was on at least two episodes as a live character during the first run of the show (the 'first series'.). There were other friends of Rush and Russell also on the show during this same time period. Blue Tooth Johnson was also scheduled to be a guest for a week.
As a matter of fact, it appears that many of the friends were to be on the show, all being there for a week each.
However, the only surviving episodes (audio or otherwise) appears to be the two with Leland.