There's a million reasons for me to go back through the episodes and listen to them. On top of keeping tracking of a squillion insignificant doo-dads is the fact that some episodes have only been heard in order ONCE by me before I began the website.
Now I certainly have listened to each episode more than once but not always in order.
Therefore, despite the fact that Vic and Sade is not a serial and each episode is a "stand alone", in fact, continuity does exist and if you are keeping track of such things, well you had better listen in order.
I say all of that to tell you that I made a mistake somewhere along the line. I confused things on one episode with another and not only that, I simply made a mistake in what was said in the script. And since I didn't check it at the time, it has snowballed and not only is one episode wrong but now there are at least two that I have that aren't correct.
I was under the impression that the Donahues had moved to a house on Oakland Avenue (when they moved and left coal in their house.) But in episode 40-07-22 Mr. Donahue Asks for Demotion, we learn that the Donahue's had hoped have enough to build a house on Oakland Avenue. Which leaves about a 99.99% probability that when they moved (and eventually moved back into their old house), they didn't move to Oakland Avenue!
So I made a mistake. Sometimes my conjecture, sloppiness, speed, scope of work under my nose, planning, ideas and just being an overall half-wit will lead to mistakes. I do plan on correcting each mistake I find. I do want to be legit here. I do want to preserve things as best as possible. I do want to uphold the integrity of this fine series and the work done by all of those who have come before me.
I deplore making mistakes but they are inevitable in a project of this size and nature (imagine if I had all 3000+ shows to work with!)
And hopefully, this second straight run through the audio will eliminate all other problems that may exist.
The fouled-up episodes will be fixed today.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The 'Beautiful woman heavily veiled & greatly agitated' foul up
Funny little foul up here. Did Art Van Harvey read his line ahead of time? Did he simply blow a line? Either way, Bill Idelson laughs at him.
From 40-06-24 Mr. Gumpox Blows Kisses (((HEAR)))
From 40-06-24 Mr. Gumpox Blows Kisses (((HEAR)))
How Did Uncle Fletcher Get to be So Important? (In his mind)
In his earlier life, Uncle Fletcher was a worker on the railroad gang. He was wasn't any different than 100,000 other workers who did the same thing for the same company. He wielded a hammer or toed the rails with another tool to straighten the ties. Or perhaps he was a water boy or had some other half-wit, yet necessary, job.
Sure, he knew everyone in the world and the ages of their direct loved ones. Knew their habits and kept notes in his head of all those things. He collected watch fobs, keys and other assorted things (we'd probably call them "trash", but he thought they were important.) He wasn't dumb; in his much earlier life it is said he was a teacher. Despite his questionable geography and algebra skills, he, like Sade, was adept at people skills more than anything else.
Near the end of Series #1 (in the very least, the last year of that series) Uncle Fletcher changes a bit from being the goofy Uncle of Sade to what he thinks is the Super Uncle of Sade. In the process he over-emphasizes everything he says and puts more importance on his own actions than he did before. The whole bit with Mis' Keller's approaching wedding to Harry Feedburn is played out to us in nearly real-time (that part of the series has the most surviving recordings and most have very good to excellent sound to boot.) So we can see the transformation of Fletcher on a close-up basis.
During this time, it is apparent that people often asked him to do large favors. He is diligent and trustworthy and does them all, despite the fact that he goofy and a bit cocky. At any rate, the free time he has is used to this advantage as he regularly fills in for others at their various slowpoke jobs around town (he fills in at a gas station most everyday, at the ticket window of the train depot, as a milk man and other things.) Are these things worthy of him being praised in the way he seems to think of himself? I say no.
So what happened that we're missing? You'd think that he rescued a half-wit baby from drowning or saved several people from burning to death. Or did Uncle Fletcher just turn a corner one day and decide that he's more important than he really is? Or did old age take him down that road?
Something to ponder.
Sure, he knew everyone in the world and the ages of their direct loved ones. Knew their habits and kept notes in his head of all those things. He collected watch fobs, keys and other assorted things (we'd probably call them "trash", but he thought they were important.) He wasn't dumb; in his much earlier life it is said he was a teacher. Despite his questionable geography and algebra skills, he, like Sade, was adept at people skills more than anything else.
Near the end of Series #1 (in the very least, the last year of that series) Uncle Fletcher changes a bit from being the goofy Uncle of Sade to what he thinks is the Super Uncle of Sade. In the process he over-emphasizes everything he says and puts more importance on his own actions than he did before. The whole bit with Mis' Keller's approaching wedding to Harry Feedburn is played out to us in nearly real-time (that part of the series has the most surviving recordings and most have very good to excellent sound to boot.) So we can see the transformation of Fletcher on a close-up basis.
During this time, it is apparent that people often asked him to do large favors. He is diligent and trustworthy and does them all, despite the fact that he goofy and a bit cocky. At any rate, the free time he has is used to this advantage as he regularly fills in for others at their various slowpoke jobs around town (he fills in at a gas station most everyday, at the ticket window of the train depot, as a milk man and other things.) Are these things worthy of him being praised in the way he seems to think of himself? I say no.
So what happened that we're missing? You'd think that he rescued a half-wit baby from drowning or saved several people from burning to death. Or did Uncle Fletcher just turn a corner one day and decide that he's more important than he really is? Or did old age take him down that road?
Something to ponder.
Not so crazy after all; Howard eats Donahue's lunch again?
I've written how I must be crazy to go back through the series again and take notes.
I've thought about it and it's not really that crazy after all. Turns out, I took pretty good notes the first time. I did miss a thing here or there and going back through helps fill in the small holes.
Tracking 20-25 additional items is not as hard as it seems. I've already gone through 65 episodes (I just started last week) and, for example, scream like a panther has only shown up twice. It's that way for most things.
I also found out (from listening) that in episode 40-06-24 Mr. Gumpox Blows Kisses Vic mentions the fact that Howard had once eaten Mr. Donahue's lunch. Since 40-01-19 Gumpox's Horse Eats Donahue's Lunch comes after Gumpox Blows Kisses, I think it's safe to say that the surviving episode about Howard eating the lunch bag is a re-used script. Unless it happened twice (which I doubt.)
It probably makes no difference to anyone (even me) but there it is, anyway.
I've thought about it and it's not really that crazy after all. Turns out, I took pretty good notes the first time. I did miss a thing here or there and going back through helps fill in the small holes.
Tracking 20-25 additional items is not as hard as it seems. I've already gone through 65 episodes (I just started last week) and, for example, scream like a panther has only shown up twice. It's that way for most things.
I also found out (from listening) that in episode 40-06-24 Mr. Gumpox Blows Kisses Vic mentions the fact that Howard had once eaten Mr. Donahue's lunch. Since 40-01-19 Gumpox's Horse Eats Donahue's Lunch comes after Gumpox Blows Kisses, I think it's safe to say that the surviving episode about Howard eating the lunch bag is a re-used script. Unless it happened twice (which I doubt.)
It probably makes no difference to anyone (even me) but there it is, anyway.
Audio transcription has begun
I began my day today by transcribing a handful of small articles and I've posted them, so we're on the way to getting this project finished.
I've got some help, so it won't take FOREVER. I hope to have this project done by July.
I've got some help, so it won't take FOREVER. I hope to have this project done by July.
Slightly-improved version of "Mr. Sludge Calls His Mother"
There is now a slightly-improved mp3 version of 50-07-04 Mr. Sludge Calls His Mother.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
8 new magazine and newspaper artcles posted; audio transcription begins this week
8 new newspaper/magazine articles posted (designated by "New!")
Audio transcription for the articles will begin sometime this week.
Audio transcription for the articles will begin sometime this week.
"My" brick mush video influences Gourmet website
All I can say about this is "haha." I just laughed when I saw it.
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The trouble with Ishigan Fishigan! (1971)
You might remember a while back (8 days ago), I discussed that there really was an Ishigan Fishigan.
Reading from a 1971 hobby magazine, there was mix-up then too. Apparently, many believed Rishigan was actually Ishigan (and they were right - just in case you missed it, Rishigan really was Ishigan the very first time he was mentioned. It changed after the episode in which he debuted.) But it's funny to look back some 42 years later and see that the same confusion existed back then, except, no one was audibly diligent enough (it seems) to be able to pick up on the "trouble":
Reading from a 1971 hobby magazine, there was mix-up then too. Apparently, many believed Rishigan was actually Ishigan (and they were right - just in case you missed it, Rishigan really was Ishigan the very first time he was mentioned. It changed after the episode in which he debuted.) But it's funny to look back some 42 years later and see that the same confusion existed back then, except, no one was audibly diligent enough (it seems) to be able to pick up on the "trouble":
Can I have a nickel? Dime? Depression era shopping list
Ya know, Rush sometimes wants a nickel or a dime. Today, that seems like a paltry sum but back in the days of Vic and Sade, you could buy 40,000 packs of gum for a dime.
Monday, May 27, 2013
RANTNG; Busy as a horse; lots of new stuff; transcribing the news articles and finest V&S episode
I have been so busy the last 3 days. Maybe 4 days, I forget. You have no idea how busy I have been. So busy that I don't even know how busy I have been :)
This particular post won't be any different. Busy, busy, busy. Busy as a horse.
First of all, there are changes everywhere. I hope they are all for the better. One person mentioned they liked it better the other way. Oops. Well, I had a tragedy and out of lemons I tried to make lemonade. That's all I can do. Just to rescue the menu (which would have been a total disaster if it had been lost) I had to do what I had to do. If I had lost the menu... I don't know what I would have done. I would have been in shock, for one thing, And it would have gone downhill like the panther, afterwards.
I can't even remember what it was now but it took more than 19 hours to do it. And that's 19 hours in a row. I didn't even stop to eat. I think I went to the restroom one time during that span. I'm not kidding. Yeah, I'm kind of driven...
There are projects to do all over the place. They other day I told you I was doing all kinds of mess and I am, although I had to dismiss it yesterday and maybe today until I can get back on track and get some rest.
Another thing is that I am trying to set up a way to get the news article transcribed to mp3. The other day, it was a long shot but today it looks like it may happen. More on this later but trust me, it's going to happen. I'm going to make it happen.
And just when things are the most hectic, well, they get even more hectic. Paul Kornman, who must be some kind of software genius, unveiled his beta version of the OTRRPedia magazine search engine. Now, I must tell you, that it's in the early stages but it works swell! And though I have been over those magazines like a house burning up Billy Patterson's wooden leg, 'cause there's always something I missed the last time I looked! And his software makes it so easy to find things. I really appreciate the work he's done and for sharing it with everyone and for making everyone's life easier. He claims it's an early test run, but goodness, it's a piece of beautiful music, orchestral to me. Yeah, I am passionate about some weird things. And I love life. ...Anyway, I'm guaranteed to find at least five new things I missed before and I already have magazine articles comin' out the ear that I found Saturday (I THINK) and haven't cataloged yet. So more busy business for today and tomorrow.
It's hectic around here and I am the guy who can do it. It's what I am made to do. And I am am going to do it! Don't bet against me. EVER.
Oh, while fiddling around with Kornman's search engine, I found an article in an old OTR collector's magazine from 1971. Back then, there were something like 18 known Vic and Sade recordings. One of them was Letter from Bess-Ham Ham. A collector was lamenting that she got the episode twice in a trade because one was labeled "Letter From Bess" and the other was labeled, "Ham Ham." Things sure have changed in 42 years (ham ham!) And I read further. The author was talking about the last known episode in 1944. The one before what I call, "Series 2" and "Series 3" and the one before the Philco Hall of Fame (which kind of resides in 'no man's land') episode. The author was saying it was poetic and the best episode available.
It's a great episode, alright, and I have overlooked it, now that I think about it. But now that we have "so many" episodes, is it really one of the best? Well, it's certainly is in the top 20. It doesn't particularly strike me as a funny episode but it's kind of poetic (a word I think he used in his article.)
I'm not sure if you will sympathize with me but I've always thought that episode called Thunderstorm was just perfect (especially after I was sent a copy of the very fine quality audio. If you don't have my audio copy, you should go and grab it NOW. I'll let you people know again soon about all of the better-quality episodes I have available.) Anyway, I do love the feel of that episode.
Which would you pick as the finest (maybe not the funniest) but perhaps, best-flowing episode?
This particular post won't be any different. Busy, busy, busy. Busy as a horse.
First of all, there are changes everywhere. I hope they are all for the better. One person mentioned they liked it better the other way. Oops. Well, I had a tragedy and out of lemons I tried to make lemonade. That's all I can do. Just to rescue the menu (which would have been a total disaster if it had been lost) I had to do what I had to do. If I had lost the menu... I don't know what I would have done. I would have been in shock, for one thing, And it would have gone downhill like the panther, afterwards.
I can't even remember what it was now but it took more than 19 hours to do it. And that's 19 hours in a row. I didn't even stop to eat. I think I went to the restroom one time during that span. I'm not kidding. Yeah, I'm kind of driven...
There are projects to do all over the place. They other day I told you I was doing all kinds of mess and I am, although I had to dismiss it yesterday and maybe today until I can get back on track and get some rest.
Another thing is that I am trying to set up a way to get the news article transcribed to mp3. The other day, it was a long shot but today it looks like it may happen. More on this later but trust me, it's going to happen. I'm going to make it happen.
And just when things are the most hectic, well, they get even more hectic. Paul Kornman, who must be some kind of software genius, unveiled his beta version of the OTRRPedia magazine search engine. Now, I must tell you, that it's in the early stages but it works swell! And though I have been over those magazines like a house burning up Billy Patterson's wooden leg, 'cause there's always something I missed the last time I looked! And his software makes it so easy to find things. I really appreciate the work he's done and for sharing it with everyone and for making everyone's life easier. He claims it's an early test run, but goodness, it's a piece of beautiful music, orchestral to me. Yeah, I am passionate about some weird things. And I love life. ...Anyway, I'm guaranteed to find at least five new things I missed before and I already have magazine articles comin' out the ear that I found Saturday (I THINK) and haven't cataloged yet. So more busy business for today and tomorrow.
It's hectic around here and I am the guy who can do it. It's what I am made to do. And I am am going to do it! Don't bet against me. EVER.
Oh, while fiddling around with Kornman's search engine, I found an article in an old OTR collector's magazine from 1971. Back then, there were something like 18 known Vic and Sade recordings. One of them was Letter from Bess-Ham Ham. A collector was lamenting that she got the episode twice in a trade because one was labeled "Letter From Bess" and the other was labeled, "Ham Ham." Things sure have changed in 42 years (ham ham!) And I read further. The author was talking about the last known episode in 1944. The one before what I call, "Series 2" and "Series 3" and the one before the Philco Hall of Fame (which kind of resides in 'no man's land') episode. The author was saying it was poetic and the best episode available.
It's a great episode, alright, and I have overlooked it, now that I think about it. But now that we have "so many" episodes, is it really one of the best? Well, it's certainly is in the top 20. It doesn't particularly strike me as a funny episode but it's kind of poetic (a word I think he used in his article.)
I'm not sure if you will sympathize with me but I've always thought that episode called Thunderstorm was just perfect (especially after I was sent a copy of the very fine quality audio. If you don't have my audio copy, you should go and grab it NOW. I'll let you people know again soon about all of the better-quality episodes I have available.) Anyway, I do love the feel of that episode.
Which would you pick as the finest (maybe not the funniest) but perhaps, best-flowing episode?
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Exciting news about Vic's Heart-shaped Face; web headache continues
I've still got more headaches than a horse as I try to fix the episode menu. It will be done in a few hours. If I weren't already bald, I'd certainly pull my hair out over this one.
On the other hand, while I am fixing this stupid thing, it's giving me time to explore tiny details that I had overlooked. One of those details turns out to be quite important.
Rather than bore you here with all the details, please re-read the episode (and hopefully, listen to it again) 40-04-17 Vic's Heart-shaped Face. It has been updated with some very important details to the episode that I had overlooked before. (Hey, I've only got two eyes, people.)
On the other hand, while I am fixing this stupid thing, it's giving me time to explore tiny details that I had overlooked. One of those details turns out to be quite important.
Rather than bore you here with all the details, please re-read the episode (and hopefully, listen to it again) 40-04-17 Vic's Heart-shaped Face. It has been updated with some very important details to the episode that I had overlooked before. (Hey, I've only got two eyes, people.)
Big, enormous, gigantic headache
Oceans of problems with the main site's episode index. It's gonna look like an iceberg from Illinois has hit it for the next several hours.
It was a mess (behind the scenes) and needed to be fixed anyway. But literally, it's going to take me all day to fix it.
It was a mess (behind the scenes) and needed to be fixed anyway. But literally, it's going to take me all day to fix it.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Pop Culture qd talk Vic and Sade, answer my comments
The folks at the Pop Culture qd are turning on new people to Vic and Sade almost every time they crank out a new episode (which is about 3-4 times a week.)
I leave messages there often, thanking them for their promotion of Paul Rhymer's product.
The podcaster (sorry, I don't know his name) did a bit of talking about how he found the show (I am always thankful to hear people's first experiences with the show.) Listen to the whole podcast, or if you want, jump to about 6:45 into the show and you can hear him address my recent comments and hear his story about how it all began for him.
I leave messages there often, thanking them for their promotion of Paul Rhymer's product.
The podcaster (sorry, I don't know his name) did a bit of talking about how he found the show (I am always thankful to hear people's first experiences with the show.) Listen to the whole podcast, or if you want, jump to about 6:45 into the show and you can hear him address my recent comments and hear his story about how it all began for him.
Friend to the blog Bob Stepno writes about V&S and Vic's Geographical Trip
Bob Stepno, who is in some ways all about journalism as I am about V&S, writes about Vic and his dealings with Ed Greefer, the journalist. That's the episode where Vic writes a newspaper story about his Midwestern trip.
You'll enjoy Mr. Stepno's insightful observations.
Journalistic Aspirations at Vic and Sade
You'll enjoy Mr. Stepno's insightful observations.
Journalistic Aspirations at Vic and Sade
Transcribing the new Vic and Sade find for the visually-impaired
It is dated 1938. There are four panels. The first panel gives the title, "For Men Only: What to expect during housecleaning..."
There is a photo of Victor Gook with an angry face. He is eating from a can of beans. The caption reads: "Arthur Van Harvey, star of the NBC coast-to-coast "Vic and Sade" program, demonstrates what American husbands can expect during spring housecleaning season, this year or any other year. Coming home to eat your beans for dinner - and out of the can at that!".
The next photo is kind of hard to distinguish but Vic looks to be searching through some rubbish. It says, "The little woman has thrown away everything you want and kept what you don't want. Imagine finding your favorite pipe in the waste basket!"
The next photo has Vic sitting down on the floor reading. He doesn't look too unhappy (maybe he has a Kitchenware Quartley or his lodge magazine) but on the other hand he doesn't look too happy either. The caption reads: "All settled down for the evening with a magazine - on the floor. During spring housecleaning you're lucky to get in the house at all."
The final photo shows Vic in his hat, suit coat and tie but no pants! He grasps another suit jacket on a rod. It's obvious that he's unhappy. (It's a funny picture by the way, perhaps the funniest picture of any of the cast I've ever seen, anyway.) The caption reads: "Next morning you discover with a shock that the junk man has appropriated the trousers for your new suit. That's life - and spring housecleaning!"
There is a photo of Victor Gook with an angry face. He is eating from a can of beans. The caption reads: "Arthur Van Harvey, star of the NBC coast-to-coast "Vic and Sade" program, demonstrates what American husbands can expect during spring housecleaning season, this year or any other year. Coming home to eat your beans for dinner - and out of the can at that!".
The next photo is kind of hard to distinguish but Vic looks to be searching through some rubbish. It says, "The little woman has thrown away everything you want and kept what you don't want. Imagine finding your favorite pipe in the waste basket!"
The next photo has Vic sitting down on the floor reading. He doesn't look too unhappy (maybe he has a Kitchenware Quartley or his lodge magazine) but on the other hand he doesn't look too happy either. The caption reads: "All settled down for the evening with a magazine - on the floor. During spring housecleaning you're lucky to get in the house at all."
The final photo shows Vic in his hat, suit coat and tie but no pants! He grasps another suit jacket on a rod. It's obvious that he's unhappy. (It's a funny picture by the way, perhaps the funniest picture of any of the cast I've ever seen, anyway.) The caption reads: "Next morning you discover with a shock that the junk man has appropriated the trousers for your new suit. That's life - and spring housecleaning!"
It's not pretty or perfect but it might be the greatest V&S newspaper find of all time
xxx I found a better version. Please go here. A transcription for the photo is here.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Jimbo, I says, you're crazy! (part II)
The list I showed you previously had 20 new entries. Well don't be shocked if that number is 30 or higher. I found a couple of new categories last evening and I'm not even to episode 50 of the audio.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The Dismal Seepage Home for Unwed Optometrists
In NEW SCIENTST magazine of all places, I kid you not.
Jimbo, I says, you're crazy! Jimbo, I says, you're crazy! Jimbo, I says...

Why am I crazy?
If you think the left side of The Crazy World of Vic and Sade is crowded now...
Just wait until you get a load of the left side in about August or so.
I am on a journey even more intricate than the journey I took through the series when I kept notes and made the web site. The journey I am on now can only be described as 'crazy.' This will certify me as an absolute crazy Vic and Sade fan, if I am not deemed that already.
After about halfway through my first research journey through the episodes, I realized there were things I had failed to cover and keep track of. I had said to myself, one day I'll go back and do it.
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my hand-written list |
I'm going to provide you a hand-written list of all of the new subjects I am covering:
And there's one other thing coming but it's such a good thing, I'm not going to tell you until the day I unveil it. If you are a Vic and Sade fan, I'm pretty sure you will be shocked.
And there are other really good surprises coming, although I am not sure of the timing. We're all just gonna have to be patient.... It's so dog-gone hard for a crazy man to be patient.
Did Sade (Bernardine Flynn) have large feet?
You know how Vic and Sade writer Paul Rhymer wrote about the strengths and weaknesses of his cast and used those things in his writing in order to make things more realistic? (((HEAR)))
You know how Sade talked a couple of times about women disliking other women at Thimble Club because the big feet women were jealous of the little feet women?
Examine this photo:
I'm not an expert, but Bernardine Flynn appears to have some large feet. She looks to be about 5' 4" or so, assuming that Art Van Harvey is about 6' 0". Her foot appears to be at least as long as the point from her elbow to her wrist (actually, larger.) Therefore (and I am totally guessing here) it appears as if she could wear anywhere from a size 8 to size 10 or more in a men's shoe size (I know nothing about women's shoe sizes.)
Either way, she's got big feet. Just look at 'em!
You know how Sade talked a couple of times about women disliking other women at Thimble Club because the big feet women were jealous of the little feet women?
Examine this photo:
I'm not an expert, but Bernardine Flynn appears to have some large feet. She looks to be about 5' 4" or so, assuming that Art Van Harvey is about 6' 0". Her foot appears to be at least as long as the point from her elbow to her wrist (actually, larger.) Therefore (and I am totally guessing here) it appears as if she could wear anywhere from a size 8 to size 10 or more in a men's shoe size (I know nothing about women's shoe sizes.)
Either way, she's got big feet. Just look at 'em!
39-xx-xx Writing To Walter (audio version) date
Episode 39-xx-xx Writing To Walter (aka 'Letter to Walter') is obviously undated except the year, 1939.
But after careful listening and note-taking last night I can pinpoint the exact month and within a range of a few days.
There are two audio clues we are given:
The first thing is that Sade mentions in this episode that the Donahues have just moved away (to Oakland Avenue, though, she doesn't say that) so the episode has to take place after that, which is May 1, 1939.
The second thing is that Sade mentions in this episode that she is going to take a trip to Carberry to visit her sister in the near future. We know she left on her trip to Carberry on May 10, 1939.
After reviewing these clues, we KNOW for a fact that the episode took place in May of 1939 and we can assume it took place sometimes between the 2nd and 5th and possibly the 6th (they sometimes had shows on Saturday but exactly when that was, I don't know for sure.)
At any rate, I'm now going to date the show as 39-05-xx.
But after careful listening and note-taking last night I can pinpoint the exact month and within a range of a few days.
There are two audio clues we are given:
The first thing is that Sade mentions in this episode that the Donahues have just moved away (to Oakland Avenue, though, she doesn't say that) so the episode has to take place after that, which is May 1, 1939.
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click to enlarge calendar |
After reviewing these clues, we KNOW for a fact that the episode took place in May of 1939 and we can assume it took place sometimes between the 2nd and 5th and possibly the 6th (they sometimes had shows on Saturday but exactly when that was, I don't know for sure.)
At any rate, I'm now going to date the show as 39-05-xx.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Log mistake?
Episode 39-01-02 Lodge Regalia Out On Loan is obviously dated January 2nd in my data and if you will review and Jerry Haedingas log they too state that this episode is January 2, 1939.
But after exploring the audio from this episode again yesterday I realized that Sade mentions in the first couple of minutes of the episode that she has Christmas presents hidden in the closet. There is also talk of the regalia out on loan being used for Christmas purposes (boot as a stocking, plumme' hat as a tree topper, etc.)
It is my belief that this episode is either from December 1938 or December 1939. I am going to have to study on this a while but I may change the date on my site.
If anyone would like to comment their feelings about this, please do not hesitate to talk with me about this.
But after exploring the audio from this episode again yesterday I realized that Sade mentions in the first couple of minutes of the episode that she has Christmas presents hidden in the closet. There is also talk of the regalia out on loan being used for Christmas purposes (boot as a stocking, plumme' hat as a tree topper, etc.)
It is my belief that this episode is either from December 1938 or December 1939. I am going to have to study on this a while but I may change the date on my site.
If anyone would like to comment their feelings about this, please do not hesitate to talk with me about this.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Telephone's ringin'
Keith Heltsley shares his thoughts about the shouts of "telephone's ringin'" here (near the bottom.)
Tons of new stuff added to main site
I've been very busy the last few days on the Crazy World of Vic and Sade web site. I've added a lot of things that I can't even begin to share with you; hopefully you will come across these tidbits one day as you look over the mammoth site carefully. I did add some new characters to the character site, I added 3 new photos to the family photos, added many new synopsis (see upper left on main site) and well, just oodles of new stuff here and there.
I realize the site is large and re-reading the whole thing (again) is impractical but there are many new additions and commentary located throughout the site and worth finding. I will try and let you know whenever a new one (small commentary) is put up though, so please be a regular reader of this site.
I was "supposed to be finished" with the main site almost 6 months ago. You may remember, we had a mini-celebration for the 600th (and what we thought) was the final episode in our collection. We are now up past 630 and I fully expect to hit 700 one day.
Three cheers for Vic and Sade!
I realize the site is large and re-reading the whole thing (again) is impractical but there are many new additions and commentary located throughout the site and worth finding. I will try and let you know whenever a new one (small commentary) is put up though, so please be a regular reader of this site.
I was "supposed to be finished" with the main site almost 6 months ago. You may remember, we had a mini-celebration for the 600th (and what we thought) was the final episode in our collection. We are now up past 630 and I fully expect to hit 700 one day.
Three cheers for Vic and Sade!
Monday, May 20, 2013
I have made mention several times before and have said emphatically even that there was never proof of Sade having bought washrags, even though she had plenty of them.
This weekend, I heard at least two episodes where she in fact stated that she had purchased washrags... so I was DEAD wrong!
This weekend, I heard at least two episodes where she in fact stated that she had purchased washrags... so I was DEAD wrong!
The best Third Lieutenant Stanley story ever?
"Face to face with the counterfeit lion tamers, he extracted a pound of butter from his lunch, rapidly fashioned it into a stiletto, froze it with dry ice and stabbed the villans to death." (from an unknown episode/story.) Source.
Wait...there really was an ISHIGAN Fishigan
If you have read all of the articles I've uncovered (and I have) you will come across the name Ishigan Fishigan as well as Rishigan Fishigan.
You may, like me, think this was an error but in fact, it's not an error at all. At least, not really.
Let me explain to you what I feel has happened. We are fortunate enough to have the first episode where either one of these "men" were mentioned. It just so happens to be 41-12-12 Mr. Buller's Christmas Gifts (the episode where Sade has been chosen to buy 34 Christmas gifts for Mr. Buller for $20.00.) In this episode, the name ISHIGAN Fishigan is used TWICE. I have listened to it several times and I am sure the name here is ISHIGAN.
But that obviously changed sometime after this and the name RISHIGAN replaced ISHIGAN. It is as simple as that.
You may, like me, think this was an error but in fact, it's not an error at all. At least, not really.
Let me explain to you what I feel has happened. We are fortunate enough to have the first episode where either one of these "men" were mentioned. It just so happens to be 41-12-12 Mr. Buller's Christmas Gifts (the episode where Sade has been chosen to buy 34 Christmas gifts for Mr. Buller for $20.00.) In this episode, the name ISHIGAN Fishigan is used TWICE. I have listened to it several times and I am sure the name here is ISHIGAN.
But that obviously changed sometime after this and the name RISHIGAN replaced ISHIGAN. It is as simple as that.
4 new newspaper articles
I'm still finding newspaper articles; may as well mine this until I can't mine anymore.
Here are the new ones since yesterday:
NEW! (unknown title; "twinges in the kneecap") May 1942
NEW! WHAT'S IN A NAME (Dickens) 1941
This makes a total of 21 new newspaper articles found in just two days.
Here are the new ones since yesterday:
NEW! (unknown title; "twinges in the kneecap") May 1942
NEW! WHAT'S IN A NAME (Dickens) 1941
This makes a total of 21 new newspaper articles found in just two days.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Seventeen new news articles!
I am quite excited to share with you 17 new newspaper articles. The new ones are designated as such. Enjoy!
Haul of new articles found!

There are a few new photographs, albeit from the newspaper and the quality is below average, but there are 3 to 5 new ones. One of them shows R.J. Konk in a framed picture with eyes lighting up! There is also a new one of Vic in his Big Dipper robe and it is one I have never seen. There is a "new" photo of Paul Rhymer at his most "handsome."
And 16-18 new articles. Maybe more (I stopped counting at 12.)
There's not a whole lot I enjoy more than finding new Vic and Sade material to share with you. So I am overjoyed today.
And oh, I have two new articles to post (they aren't quite done yet) and 2-4 (I forget) new synopsis' I've gathered from either re-listening to episodes or finding out about them from these new articles. Since I have so much going on, I'm going to need some time to get things together, but I'll be working on it all today and for however long it takes to get it done.
Be on the lookout.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
According to Sade: brick mush is FRIED
I've thought for a long while now that the food known as "brick mush" was nothing more than fried polenta.
While trying to fix (unsuccessfully) perhaps the most-damaged episode there is (42-03-04 Room Warming) I realized that this episode gives us a lot of information about brick mush.
It's very hard to make out because of the horrible sound but at about three minutes into the actual episode, the family discusses brick mush, which they say is "never raw." Sade says something to the effect of, "The way I fix it, it's always fried" and then she goes on to talk about Uncle Fletcher's room, where he has no way to fry brick mush.
For reference, see this video.
While trying to fix (unsuccessfully) perhaps the most-damaged episode there is (42-03-04 Room Warming) I realized that this episode gives us a lot of information about brick mush.
It's very hard to make out because of the horrible sound but at about three minutes into the actual episode, the family discusses brick mush, which they say is "never raw." Sade says something to the effect of, "The way I fix it, it's always fried" and then she goes on to talk about Uncle Fletcher's room, where he has no way to fry brick mush.
For reference, see this video.
Sound upgrade:Fourth Letter From Bess
I spent some time this morning working on the sound for 42-06-8 Fourth Letter from Bess (Sleepy Head). I believe it sounds a lot better.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Re-listening to episodes and taking more notes
A few days ago, I began re-listening to episodes and taking more notes. I am adding new finds to the main site. You may not notice any changes as I did a pretty good the first time around. But there are a few tiny details in most every episode that did pass me by the first time and I am covering the bases.
I also did not start with the first episode. As a matter of fact, I started with the bad sound episodes in 1942. I will cover '43 and '44, then I will start at the beginning of the show's audio run.
The additions may alter some of the periphery pages on the main site's left side as well. On Sunday, I found out that the interurban station is on Kelsey Street; that's something previously unknown and so I added that to Places. The additions will be slight and mostly unnoticeable but will fill in the tiny holes that exist.
I also did not start with the first episode. As a matter of fact, I started with the bad sound episodes in 1942. I will cover '43 and '44, then I will start at the beginning of the show's audio run.
The additions may alter some of the periphery pages on the main site's left side as well. On Sunday, I found out that the interurban station is on Kelsey Street; that's something previously unknown and so I added that to Places. The additions will be slight and mostly unnoticeable but will fill in the tiny holes that exist.
Monday, May 13, 2013
The two episodes that probably never were
The most-perplexing things in the Barbara Schwarz notes I was given are the facts of two scripts that I am not sure were ever real; that is, were these Paul Rhymer scripts and if so, why are they are dated for air days after the first series went off the air?
The first script, which has been called, "The Treasure of Sierre Fletcher" or perhaps, "The Great Bottomwind Treasure" is dated 44-10-04.
It involves a pair of identical twins who are different and they live in a cabin on the Idaho/Nevada border. Each of the twins' rooms are in different states! (It seems obvious that these "facts" are supplied by Uncle Fletcher.)
One twin is named "Morsel" and the other is named, "Dorsel."
Rush is the son in the script, instead of Russell (if the date is correct, David Whitehouse would be there, not Bill Idelson.) He reads from a Third Lieutenant Stanley novel about counterfeiting butterfly collectors! The "treasure" is a collection of bunion pads, some of them new.
Rush fills in for Milton Welch ushering at the Bijou. Film: "Round Thy Tiny Head A Shaft Of Golden Sunlight Shines, Occasional Seamstress Daphne" & "The Troth I Intended Plighting Has Been Pilfered, Oh Perfidious Poltroon." The film stars Lavinia Lumbarpane and Dudley Nightshade.
Vic talks about Offal Demure, a Visiting Lodge Honorary Emeritus Regional Star-Thunker.
There is some notation about these being "fantasy" scripts but if so, why are they dated as they are? Still, in almost all respects, these scripts do not seem legitimate.
The first script, which has been called, "The Treasure of Sierre Fletcher" or perhaps, "The Great Bottomwind Treasure" is dated 44-10-04.
It involves a pair of identical twins who are different and they live in a cabin on the Idaho/Nevada border. Each of the twins' rooms are in different states! (It seems obvious that these "facts" are supplied by Uncle Fletcher.)
One twin is named "Morsel" and the other is named, "Dorsel."
Rush is the son in the script, instead of Russell (if the date is correct, David Whitehouse would be there, not Bill Idelson.) He reads from a Third Lieutenant Stanley novel about counterfeiting butterfly collectors! The "treasure" is a collection of bunion pads, some of them new.
Fletcher: Dr. Beryl Sigafoos of Germany invented bunion pads for his brother, Sterile.The second script is dated 44-10-05 and is titled, "(Very) Odd Man Out."
Rush fills in for Milton Welch ushering at the Bijou. Film: "Round Thy Tiny Head A Shaft Of Golden Sunlight Shines, Occasional Seamstress Daphne" & "The Troth I Intended Plighting Has Been Pilfered, Oh Perfidious Poltroon." The film stars Lavinia Lumbarpane and Dudley Nightshade.
Vic talks about Offal Demure, a Visiting Lodge Honorary Emeritus Regional Star-Thunker.
There is some notation about these being "fantasy" scripts but if so, why are they dated as they are? Still, in almost all respects, these scripts do not seem legitimate.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Kurt Vonnegut and Vic and Sade
According to Wikipedia (no citation given) writer Kurt Vonnegut once called Vic and Sade, "The Muzak of life."
Dandelions and butter - a Vic and Sade combination
The following audio is from two different episodes: (39-09-22 Wildflowers and also 44-04-07 The Solo March.)
This also occurs in at least one other audio episode but I can't find it at this time.
This also occurs in at least one other audio episode but I can't find it at this time.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Seven new discs found?
There is reason to believe that at least 7 new Vic and Sade discs have been recently found. That number could be 8 actually but I am uncertain at this point.
I have posted all of the new synopsi I found this evening but have yet to add any of the details yet to the Character blog but I should get around to that tomorrow.
I also found at least 2 re-used scripts; one is detailed in the synopsi (noted there only because of a name change for "Bernice", Mr. Gumpox's horse and the fact that David Whitehouse was in the episode rather than Billy Idelson.) The other re-used script was 42-10-21 Smelly Clark's Broken Watch.
I have put in some inquiries and hope to find out more in the next couple of days if these discs will ever be turned into mp3s that we may enjoy them. I don't count on it, however, it's possible.
There is a chance that none of these findings are new at all. What is certain is that they have been recently added to J. David Goldin's online database as he is (or was) the owner. There is still a chance these purchases are from WAY back and have just only recently been added to his database.
I have posted all of the new synopsi I found this evening but have yet to add any of the details yet to the Character blog but I should get around to that tomorrow.
I also found at least 2 re-used scripts; one is detailed in the synopsi (noted there only because of a name change for "Bernice", Mr. Gumpox's horse and the fact that David Whitehouse was in the episode rather than Billy Idelson.) The other re-used script was 42-10-21 Smelly Clark's Broken Watch.
I have put in some inquiries and hope to find out more in the next couple of days if these discs will ever be turned into mp3s that we may enjoy them. I don't count on it, however, it's possible.
There is a chance that none of these findings are new at all. What is certain is that they have been recently added to J. David Goldin's online database as he is (or was) the owner. There is still a chance these purchases are from WAY back and have just only recently been added to his database.
Changes to the regalia: some background
In episode 43-07-23 Changes to the Regalia, Vic reads a letter to Russell (and Uncle Fletcher - who is busy the whole time talking about makes of cars nobody's ever heard of.) The joke here is that the regalia (aka lodge robe) is very much treated like a dress. Vic inquires about the availability of two different seamstresses, Mis' Keller and Mis' Harris.
Not only that, but a little research will show that the proposed changes to the regalia match perfectly with the new styles in women's dresses for 1944 (the letter about the regalia is for the upcoming year.) Women's dresses were notably shorter in 1944. Why? Because the government in World War II needed more material. In the case of the regalia, three inches were to be chopped off of the robe. This correlates with women's dresses of the same time period.
My guess is that writer Paul Rhymer had heard about the coming changes to women's dresses and instead of making Sade the fashion plate, directed his attention to Vic's regalia. In a sly way, this humiliates Vic, making his robe seem feminine.
In episode 43-07-23 Changes to the Regalia, Vic reads a letter to Russell (and Uncle Fletcher - who is busy the whole time talking about makes of cars nobody's ever heard of.) The joke here is that the regalia (aka lodge robe) is very much treated like a dress. Vic inquires about the availability of two different seamstresses, Mis' Keller and Mis' Harris.
Not only that, but a little research will show that the proposed changes to the regalia match perfectly with the new styles in women's dresses for 1944 (the letter about the regalia is for the upcoming year.) Women's dresses were notably shorter in 1944. Why? Because the government in World War II needed more material. In the case of the regalia, three inches were to be chopped off of the robe. This correlates with women's dresses of the same time period.
My guess is that writer Paul Rhymer had heard about the coming changes to women's dresses and instead of making Sade the fashion plate, directed his attention to Vic's regalia. In a sly way, this humiliates Vic, making his robe seem feminine.
Sound upgrade for 43-07-23 (x) Changes to the Regalia
Spent some time this morning fixing 43-07-23 Changes to the Reglia this morning.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Lack of Tenderness - by Keith Heltsley and Jimbo
[This episode is] one that epitomizes the tender relationship between Vic and Sade. Or lack thereof. What I mean is, that they really do love each other, but their love tanks are filled in different ways, and they don’t always hit the mark in meeting the other’s needs. Vic is a big kid, who needs his ego stroked to feel loved. Amazingly, Sade never does this well. I have never heard her comment on Vic’s blue eyes, heart shaped face, or his deep sonorous voice. Or pay him hardly any such mushy compliments. She certainly does have a knack for knowing when other women are turning Vic’s head.
Sade needs security and stability, and Vic does a good job at providing for her. It’s only those times when he lets his inner child out, says silly things, and (gasp) lets his ego respond to strokes that he gets from outside the home. Sade really could go about claiming her marital territory in a better way. One that wouldn’t belittle Vic so badly, and one that would show him that he already has all that, and more right home with her. The situation could lend itself to being both comical, and heartwarming, instead of belittling and nagging. - by Keith Heltsley (Retro Radio Podcast)
Does she love Vic? She does, but romance between the two is nil. Sade seems to get her kicks from the Daily Love Story in the paper, the occasional mushy film at the Bijou and of course, the gossip from her Thimble Club friends, rather than physical love. Other than the one time she sits in Vic's lap to tickle him, the two never touch. Neither does she touch Rush, Russell or Uncle Fletcher. It's the farthest thing from a soap opera there is!
Vic is someone she loves because he is there for her, provides for her - he is security. She loves him for that and that alone.
Why does he love her? That's for another day. - by Jimbo
Sade needs security and stability, and Vic does a good job at providing for her. It’s only those times when he lets his inner child out, says silly things, and (gasp) lets his ego respond to strokes that he gets from outside the home. Sade really could go about claiming her marital territory in a better way. One that wouldn’t belittle Vic so badly, and one that would show him that he already has all that, and more right home with her. The situation could lend itself to being both comical, and heartwarming, instead of belittling and nagging. - by Keith Heltsley (Retro Radio Podcast)
In my audio book (The Audio Book That Choked Billy Patterson), I explained that Sade (as in the Marquis de Sade) enjoys torturing Vic and I believe strongly she was named "Sade" simply for this reason. (Though there are some early episodes that show Sade as needy and sometimes a bit feeble - especially pre-Rush adoption.) Sade is more than strong, she's downright mean and certainly over-bearing at times.Does she love Vic? She does, but romance between the two is nil. Sade seems to get her kicks from the Daily Love Story in the paper, the occasional mushy film at the Bijou and of course, the gossip from her Thimble Club friends, rather than physical love. Other than the one time she sits in Vic's lap to tickle him, the two never touch. Neither does she touch Rush, Russell or Uncle Fletcher. It's the farthest thing from a soap opera there is!
Vic is someone she loves because he is there for her, provides for her - he is security. She loves him for that and that alone.
Why does he love her? That's for another day. - by Jimbo
Why Hank Gutstop didn't work until near the end of the series (Jimbo and Keith Heltsley)
There are currently 610 episodes of Vic and Sade where we are sure of
the show's plot. Hank Gutstop, a friend and fellow lodge brother to
Vic, is mentioned once in about every 13 episodes, on average. But it
wasn't until Valentine's Day of 1944 (or thereabouts) that Hank ever had
a real job.
There's no indication that Hank was lazy, as he is seemingly active -
even if it only be him hanging around the pool hall or going to lodge
There is the blight on him that he might sleep on the platform of the interurban station or perhaps the courthouse lawn, but might that only be because he had no other place to go? If he were truly a bum wouldn't he be sleeping at a lodge brother's house or hotel room?
Every indication exists to show Hank was innovative, enthusiastic, well-liked (by the men on the show, anyway) and a very talented singer. He could make men cry with his voice. But some kind of wall obviously existed between Hank and women. I think he probably liked them but they didn't reciprocate. Sade especially didn't like him and neither did her friends, all who talked about him behind his back.
Certainly, part of the reason for Sade's ire was the fact that the man was constantly borrowing small sums of money from Vic. Though he paid Vic back at times (at least small sums) and tried to work for the Gooks to erase a larger part of his debt, Sade still harbored ill feelings for him. As a matter of fact, there were only two known men she really disliked on the show and he was one of them.
So what exactly was it that made it impossible for Hank Gutstop to hold a job until the middle of February, 1944? And how is it that the job that he finally gets is such a prestigious one with seemingly good pay?
The answer to this is simple in that Hank was nothing more than a prop by writer Paul Rhymer. You might say that Hank was actually little more than a MacGuffin, a trick that Rhymer used often in his radio plays.. - By Jimbo Mason
Hank is everything Sade hates. He’s always jobless, or at least under-employed. He offers no financial security, he’s always in debt to Vic, and thus irresponsible. I think he secretly has a crush on Sade that keeps him lurking nearby, but if so it never is revealed by Paul Rhymer.
Hank is the punchline of a running gag, and because of that his character isn’t really developed further than being two dimensional. There isn’t much else I can say about him than that. - by Keith Heltsley (Retro Radio Podcast)
There is the blight on him that he might sleep on the platform of the interurban station or perhaps the courthouse lawn, but might that only be because he had no other place to go? If he were truly a bum wouldn't he be sleeping at a lodge brother's house or hotel room?
Every indication exists to show Hank was innovative, enthusiastic, well-liked (by the men on the show, anyway) and a very talented singer. He could make men cry with his voice. But some kind of wall obviously existed between Hank and women. I think he probably liked them but they didn't reciprocate. Sade especially didn't like him and neither did her friends, all who talked about him behind his back.
Certainly, part of the reason for Sade's ire was the fact that the man was constantly borrowing small sums of money from Vic. Though he paid Vic back at times (at least small sums) and tried to work for the Gooks to erase a larger part of his debt, Sade still harbored ill feelings for him. As a matter of fact, there were only two known men she really disliked on the show and he was one of them.
So what exactly was it that made it impossible for Hank Gutstop to hold a job until the middle of February, 1944? And how is it that the job that he finally gets is such a prestigious one with seemingly good pay?
The answer to this is simple in that Hank was nothing more than a prop by writer Paul Rhymer. You might say that Hank was actually little more than a MacGuffin, a trick that Rhymer used often in his radio plays.. - By Jimbo Mason
Comedy works best when situations are realistic, but just wacky enough
to do that thing you really wanted to but before modesty and restraint
kept you from doing it. It can also be from a tragic event or character
who takes the abuse as the butt of a joke so no real harm befalls the
main character. Hank is like that. He’s a caricature. He is someone
designed to always be on Sade’s bad side, and just plain creeps her out.
He has his hooks in her because nearly everybody else loves the guy.
Vic is his friend and lodge brother. Hank hangs out in the same circles
as Uncle Fletcher, and is admired by Rush.Hank is everything Sade hates. He’s always jobless, or at least under-employed. He offers no financial security, he’s always in debt to Vic, and thus irresponsible. I think he secretly has a crush on Sade that keeps him lurking nearby, but if so it never is revealed by Paul Rhymer.
Hank is the punchline of a running gag, and because of that his character isn’t really developed further than being two dimensional. There isn’t much else I can say about him than that. - by Keith Heltsley (Retro Radio Podcast)
Thanksgiving/Three special friends
Where would The Crazy World of Vic and Sade be without Louie Johnson?
Louie came along out of nowhere. One day, as I was winding down the site (having written over 300 posts and put down almost all of the hand-fixed audio episodes to the web) Louie sent me an email. It turns out this email is one of the most important messages I've ever received. A member of the Friends of Vic and Sade "fanclub," Louie was a Vic and Sade zealot from "way back." Eventually, Louie sent me many of Barbara Schwarz's notes.
Once upon a time, it was he who had planned to do a website but somehow got sidetracked and the site never materialized on his end. Though he may not know it, The Crazy World of Vic and Sade belongs as much to him as it does to me.
I am so thankful for him!
His zeal for the show has led to him graciously donating some of his time and efforts to writing pieces for the main site. His ideas are always original and thought-provoking and he almost always has an instinct for something I have missed. When he points these things out, I realize what an ally I have for the website, as Keith always graciously allows me to use any of his writings and ideas for the main website. I am very thankful for Keith.
Keith may not know it, but the Crazy World of Vic and Sade belongs as much to him as it does to me.
She writes beautifully and her knowledge of Vic and Sade is only usurped by her love for the show itself. She even likes the 1945 and 1946 seasons; what a diehard! Her contributions to the main website are ones I will cherish, just as I do those written by Keith. And yes, I am very thankful for her. And she may not realize it, but The Crazy World of Vic and Sade belongs as much to her as it does to me.
Friends are a wonderful thing - but few things are better than a friend who is also a friend of Vic and Sade.
Thank a friend today!
Louie came along out of nowhere. One day, as I was winding down the site (having written over 300 posts and put down almost all of the hand-fixed audio episodes to the web) Louie sent me an email. It turns out this email is one of the most important messages I've ever received. A member of the Friends of Vic and Sade "fanclub," Louie was a Vic and Sade zealot from "way back." Eventually, Louie sent me many of Barbara Schwarz's notes.
Once upon a time, it was he who had planned to do a website but somehow got sidetracked and the site never materialized on his end. Though he may not know it, The Crazy World of Vic and Sade belongs as much to him as it does to me.
I am so thankful for him!
Through Twitter, I met Keith Heltsley. I found that Keith was a big OTR fan who ran the Retro Radio Podcast, and while perusing his stuff, I found out that he also enjoyed Vic and Sade. The show was a big part of his grandparent's life and this is what got Keith interested in the show.His zeal for the show has led to him graciously donating some of his time and efforts to writing pieces for the main site. His ideas are always original and thought-provoking and he almost always has an instinct for something I have missed. When he points these things out, I realize what an ally I have for the website, as Keith always graciously allows me to use any of his writings and ideas for the main website. I am very thankful for Keith.
Keith may not know it, but the Crazy World of Vic and Sade belongs as much to him as it does to me.
Last, but certainly not least, Sarah Cole is a merry ole' soul that I also met on Twitter because she had a fancy for OTR. I came to find out via tweeting that her mother had a love for Vic and Sade. You can read that whole story here; it's facinating.She writes beautifully and her knowledge of Vic and Sade is only usurped by her love for the show itself. She even likes the 1945 and 1946 seasons; what a diehard! Her contributions to the main website are ones I will cherish, just as I do those written by Keith. And yes, I am very thankful for her. And she may not realize it, but The Crazy World of Vic and Sade belongs as much to her as it does to me.
Friends are a wonderful thing - but few things are better than a friend who is also a friend of Vic and Sade.
Thank a friend today!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Other than the Rush adoption, this was the most important episode
If you will think about it a while, I think you will find that the second most important episode is 410123 The All-Star Marching Team. It trails only Rush's arrival.
The reasons for this include the fact that for a good part of 1941, the marching team was mentioned quite a bit on the show. The January 21st episode mentions nine new characters, four of which would go on to become quite important in Vic and Sade lore. That's not even including Y.Y. Flirch, who was important to the show before and after this particular episode.
Overlooked by me until yesterday, I realize now that the Hink twins (Robert and Slobert) were apparently already a part of the show before this episode, because Sade says to Vic, "Robert and Slobert are a couple more fellas that are always shovin' themselves into stuff." Always tells us that that the Hink twins have been mentioned in previous episodes and those obviously had nothing to do with marching team business. We do know they were Christmas card salesmen in 1940. It may also mean that the infamous power mower episode may have also taken place that year. And it probably also means that the twins were in other episodes that we don't know about and they may have come before the original All-Star Marching Team episode.
This may not be an earth-shaking revelation (to you) but to me, its important to know that the Hinks may have been on par with Flirch as far as popularity goes.
As I mentioned, this episode spawned many new characters. Many would become fixtures on the show; besides the Hink twins, Homer U. McDancey of East Brain, Oregon and H.K. Fleeber of Grovelman, South Carolina become the basis for many programs.
The marching team concept leads to all kinds of other scenarios and episodes: McDancey writes a book on the rules of the lodge for wives. And he is so obsessed with marching that he tries to lure Vic into marching solo at several homes for various peoples with "ailments." That's not just one episode, but two known. And of course, other marching team episodes exist: the threat of Sade having to march, the botched photos in the lodge quarterly, solo marches, unity of the team being destroyed and on and on.
Fleeber is just plain wacky, and his odd exploits are thick. He's used often in the series. But it's not just Fleeber, all of the All-Star Marching Team participants are a little loopy, which brings into question Vic's own sanity.
And of course the Hinks themselves, their phone calls, their twin relatives with the unusual (and funny) names and their subsequent feud with Vic provides us with tremendous fun and leaves us wondering how it all went so wrong.
The marching team concept (and the episodes about it which follow this one) carries so much weight in the history of Vic and Sade that it seems impossible that writer Paul Rhymer could have come up with this concept in his usual two or three hour writing period. We'll probably never know if this is true or not or how and when the whole idea was conceived, but what we can know is that the original marching team episode remains one of the most-important installments in the history of the show.
This guy kept track of Vic and Sade characters in real time
While I and others have taken stock of the characters on Vic and Sade some 70 or 80 years after the show began, this writer for an Ohio newspaper recalls keeping track of the characters in real time, off the radio!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Trivia: the answers
How did you do on the trivia? A couple of them might have been difficult but I thought most were pretty easy. The answers:
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440 lbs. each |
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Yellow Jump |
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Hunky J. Sponger. This may have been the hardest question in the quiz. |
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Little Tiny Petite Pheasant Feather Tea Shoppy |
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A barber. |
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Pauline Delacey. To be honest, this one wasn't easy. |
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Mildred Tisdel. Russell had a thing for her, too. |
Monday, May 6, 2013
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