Sunday, May 19, 2013

Haul of new articles found!

I just found 16-18 new articles about Vic and Sade.  Most of them are relatively small but there is one very nice article and a couple of medium-sized ones.  The large article is jam-packed full of previously unknown info, including the names of 4 new films, the whole gist of a Third Lieutenant Stanley novel, new characters, etc.

There are a few new photographs, albeit from the newspaper and the quality is below average, but there are 3 to 5 new ones.  One of them shows R.J. Konk in a framed picture with eyes lighting up!  There is also a new one of Vic in his Big Dipper robe and it is one I have never seen.  There is a "new" photo of Paul Rhymer at his most "handsome."

And 16-18 new articles.  Maybe more (I stopped counting at 12.)

There's not a whole lot I enjoy more than finding new Vic and Sade material to share with you.  So I am overjoyed today.

And oh, I have two new articles to post (they aren't quite done yet) and 2-4 (I forget) new synopsis' I've gathered from either re-listening to episodes or finding out about them from these new articles.  Since I have so much going on, I'm going to need some time to get things together, but I'll be working on it all today and for however long it takes to get it done.

Be on the lookout.

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