Monday, April 1, 2013

1945-46 was Rush Gook really Johnny Coons?

It breaks my heart to even hear this and relay this news to you.  It may not be true but I'm afraid it probably is.

In the interview (below) actor Hugh Studebaker is a bit confused, no doubt, but he isn't so confused to remember that Johnny Coons played Rush in either 1945 or 1946 and perhaps both those years and series.  (You'll notice that there is no talk of Bill Idelson in this brief interview.)

This was the time after the original series and the series had changed sponsors and networks and had included many "real characters," including Studebaker as Rishigan Fishigan.

1 comment:

  1. On page 292 of "The Story of Vic & Sade" Bill Idleson writes that the show "returned to the air, in its fifteen-minute form, in the summer of '45, as an evening show on CBS. Johnny Coons played the part of Rush until September when I was discharged from the Navy and took over the role again."


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