Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The small house grew more than just Panther's Blood

Most Vic and Sade fans are familiar - at least to some extent - with Panther's Blood.  Panther's Blood, of course, being a variety of flower that is popular in the town the Gooks live in.  More specifically, it is Sade who tends to grow it.  And it is suggested that she is very successful with her green thumb.

Panther's Blood is probably fictional.  Paul Rhymer loved to come up with fictional card games, towns, friends, movie titles, movie stars, book titles and foods.  But he did not stop there - he enjoyed making up names of flowers: Late Joe Butlers, Kiss Me Georges, Royal Slumps, Blue Doldrums, Zero Zinnias, and Choke Choke.

Monday, August 4, 2014


You often hear Sade talk about the weather, especially "in" the house; she refers to it being "close".  This was not a term I had heard before I began listening to Vic and Sade.

According to Webster's Dictionary, close is just another word for "muggy".

The etymology dictionary is not much help, but I suspect it gets it's origins from the fact that something enclosed gets little breeze.

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