Saturday, October 22, 2016

Previously untried script re-enactment!!!

You know, I'll be the first person in the world to admit that my acting abilities are jack squat, so to speak.  And I probably have no business venturing into the hallowed halls of "Vic and Sade" territory.

But dang it all, I've gone and done it and take on Rush's role in the 1933 "Vic and Sade" script entitled, "Molasses Taffy".

PQ Ribber takes on the role as Vic and the two of us - in the spirit of honoring Paul Rhymer, Art Van Harvey and Bill Idelson - have a go at this radio play.  The play is originally from 1932 but it was re-done in 1933.  There is a long version and a short version.  We are doing the longer version.

You can find it here.  Feedback is welcomed - either here or at the ONSUG, where the show is featured.


  1. Awesome job! I hope you continue to bring more of the "missing" performances to life again!

  2. Thank you sir. I am sorry it took so long for your comment to be published, I only now became aware of it. PQ Ribber and I thank you.


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