Monday, May 27, 2013

RANTNG; Busy as a horse; lots of new stuff; transcribing the news articles and finest V&S episode

I have been so busy the last 3 days.  Maybe 4 days, I forget.  You have no idea how busy I have been.  So busy that I don't even know how busy I have been  :)

This particular post won't be any different.  Busy, busy, busy.  Busy as a horse. 

First of all, there are changes everywhere.  I hope they are all for the better.  One person mentioned they liked it better the other way.  Oops.  Well, I had a tragedy and out of lemons I tried to make lemonade.  That's all I can do.  Just to rescue the menu (which would have been a total disaster if it had been lost) I had to do what I had to do.  If I had lost the menu... I don't know what I would have done.  I would have been in shock, for one thing,  And it would have gone downhill like the panther, afterwards.

I can't even remember what it was now but it took more than 19 hours to do it.  And that's 19 hours in a row.  I didn't even stop to eat.  I think I went to the restroom one time during that span.  I'm not kidding.  Yeah, I'm kind of driven...

There are projects to do all over the place.  They other day I told you I was doing all kinds of mess and I am, although I had to dismiss it yesterday and maybe today until I can get back on track and get some rest.

Another thing is that I am trying to set up a way to get the news article transcribed to mp3.  The other day, it was a long shot but today it looks like it may happen.  More on this later but trust me, it's going to happen.  I'm going to make it happen.

And just when things are the most hectic, well, they get even more hectic.  Paul Kornman, who must be some kind of software genius, unveiled his beta version of the OTRRPedia magazine search engine.  Now, I must tell you, that it's in the early stages but it works swell!  And though I have been over those magazines like a house burning up Billy Patterson's wooden leg, 'cause there's always something I missed the last time I looked!  And his software makes it so easy to find things.  I really appreciate the work he's done and for sharing it with everyone and for making everyone's life easier.  He claims it's an early test run, but goodness, it's a piece of beautiful music, orchestral to me.  Yeah, I am passionate about some weird things.  And I love life. ...Anyway, I'm guaranteed to find at least five new things I missed before and I already have magazine articles comin' out the ear that I found Saturday (I THINK) and haven't cataloged yet.  So more busy business for today and tomorrow.

It's hectic around here and I am the guy who can do it.  It's what I am made to do.  And I am am going to do it!  Don't bet against me.  EVER.

Oh, while fiddling around with Kornman's search engine, I found an article in an old OTR collector's magazine from 1971.  Back then, there were something like 18 known Vic and Sade recordings.  One of them was Letter from Bess-Ham Ham.  A collector was lamenting that she got the episode twice in a trade because one was labeled "Letter From Bess" and the other was labeled, "Ham Ham." Things sure have changed in 42 years (ham ham!)  And I read further.  The author was talking about the last known episode in 1944.  The one before what I call, "Series 2" and "Series 3" and the one before the Philco Hall of Fame (which kind of resides in 'no man's land') episode.  The author was saying it was poetic and the best episode available.

It's a great episode, alright, and I have overlooked it, now that I think about it.  But now that we have "so many" episodes, is it really one of the best?  Well, it's certainly is in the top 20.  It doesn't particularly strike me as a funny episode but it's kind of poetic (a word I think he used in his article.)

I'm not sure if you will sympathize with me but I've always thought that episode called Thunderstorm was just perfect (especially after I was sent a copy of the very fine quality audio.  If you don't have my audio copy, you should go and grab it NOW.  I'll let you people know again soon about all of the better-quality episodes I have available.)  Anyway, I do love the feel of that episode.

Which would you pick as the finest (maybe not the funniest) but perhaps, best-flowing episode?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, that's what I love about this place, everyone comments!


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